WP5 | Land-In-Pro Seminar Cycle

Land-In-Pro Seminar Cycle + Co-creation activities (2024)

The (post)industrial heritage and landscape need to be considered as a present-day asset. The challenges lie in balancing the protection of their polyhedral value with possible adaptation and transformation interventions.

Under which perspectives and how can we explore, document, investigate and interpret (post)industrial heritage and landscapes?

The Land-In-Pro Seminar Cycle and its Co-creation activities are part of the WP5 research tasks that foreseen Open Science Practices and Knowledge Transfer, aiming at inclusively engaging university students in Land-In-Pro’s research questions while fostering students’ critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork skills.

Land-In-Pro Seminar Cycle


S01 - Canziani

S01 | March 7, 2024

h. 2:30-3:30 pm - Open Lecture [3:30-6:30 pm + Co-creation]

Ruins in reverse. The post-construction of the industrial landscape

Andrea Canziani | Architect Officer, Ministero della Cultura, Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le province di Imperia e Savona and Co-Chair of the DOCOMOMO ISC Education + Training (ISC/E+T).

Link to the open lecture on Microsoft Teams.




S02 - Vigotti-Tiganea

S02 | March 21, 2024

h. 2:30-3:30 pm - Open Lecture [3:30-6:30 pm + Co-creation]

The Legacy of Post-industrial Landscapes. Risks and Challenges on the Path towards the Acknowledgment of a Multifaceted Inheritance 

Francesca Vigotti | Assistant Professor (RTDa) in Architectural Preservation, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU), Politecnico di Milano, Italy.

Oana Cristina Tiganea |  Assistant Professor (RTT) in Architectural Preservation, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU), Politecnico di Milano, Italy.  

Link to the open lecture on Microsoft Teams.


S03 - DeMarco

S03 | April 4, 2024

h. 2:30-3:30 pm - Open Lecture [3:30-6:30 pm + Co-creation]

Cultural Heritage Places in the Global Context: Themes, Challenges, and Opportunities for the Future of the Heritage of Technology and Industrial Production 

Luisa De Marco | Independent Heritage Consultant and ICOMOS World Heritage Advisor  

Link to the open lecture on Microsoft Teams.



S04 - Modica

S04 | April 11, 2024

h. 2:30-3:30 pm - Open Lecture [3:30-6:30 pm + Co-creation]

Post-industrial Landscapes in Peripheral Regions: a Challenging Transition 

Marcello Modica | Postdoctoral researcher, Dipartimento Politecnico di Ingegneria e Architettura (DPIA), Università di Udine, Italy.

Link to the open lecture on Microsoft Teams.



S05 - Moretti

S05 | April 18, 2024

h. 2:30-3:30 pm - Open Lecture [3:30-6:30 pm + Co-creation]

The Port as a Landscape: Research and Design Experiences 

Beatrice Moretti | PhD Architect, Assistant Professor (RTDa) in Architectural and Urban Design, Principal Investigator of the research project PULSE - Department of Architecture and Design (DAD), Polytechnic School, Università di Genova, Italy.

Link to the open lecture on Microsoft Teams.



S06 - Antoniol
S06 - Giusto

S06 | May 2, 2024

h. 2:30-3:45 pm - Joint Open Lectures [3:30-6:30 pm + Co-creation]

The Document as a Source for the Conservation, Management, and Enhancement of Industrial Heritage 

Francesco Antoniol | Archivist and Industrial Heritage Consultant, founder and CEO of Virginia Studio Associato, member of the National Board of ANAI, and associated member of TICCIH, ERIH, and AIPAI.


Individual Experience, Industrial Archaeology, Photography: The Darkroom of the Mind

Lidia Giusto | Photographer, member of TICCIH and AIPAI, co-founder of TrattoPunto.

Link to the open lecture on Microsoft Teams.



Co-creation activities

The co-creation activities are part of the WP5 aiming at inclusively introducing university students at the master’s degree level to Land-In-Pro research questions by fostering students’ critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork skills.

Outputs consist of a series of Instagram carousels created by students that will be available on each seminar's web page. A selection of carousels will be also published in the Land-In-Pro Instagram feed, collaboratively contributing to the communication and outreach activities of the research project.


This project has received funding from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) - Mission 4 “Education and Research” - Component 2 “From Research to Business” - Investment 1.2 “Funding projects presented by young researchers” and the European Union's Next Generation EU Recovery Plan - Project no. 100027-2022-FP-PNRR-YR_MSCA_0000005"

Institutional logos - PNRR Ministry of University and Research - NextGenerationEU - University of Genova





The responsibility for the content published on the Land-In-Pro website lies with the author/s. The Italian Ministry of University and Research and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Last update 25 March 2025