Land-In-Pro researchers

Federica Pompejano
Federica Pompejano (engineer, PhD cum laude in Preservation of the Architectural Heritage) is an Assistant Professor and Researcher (RTD-A) in Architectural Restoration (ICAR/19) at the University of Genoa (UniGe), Department of Architecture and Design (DAD). She has been an MSCA-IF Fellow (2020-2022) at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Art Studies (former Akademia e Studimeve Albanologjike) in Tirana, implementing the project Materializing Modernity - Socialist and Post-socialist Rural Legacy in Contemporary Albania (MaMo) funded under the Excellent Science - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme.
Federica’s main research interests focus on architectural heritage preservation and landscape, critical heritage studies, material culture and architectural technology, heritage-making processes and protection policies, and architectural historiography.
In the Land-In-Pro project, she is the Principal Investigator leading the implementation and management of the diverse research activities articulated in the project’s six work packages.

Sara Rocco
Sara Rocco (architect, PhD in Preservation of the Architectural Heritage) is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Architectural Restoration (ICAR/19) at the University of Genoa (UniGe), Department of Architecture and Design (DAD).
Sara’s research interests are history and theory of restoration and conservation, critical heritage studies, heritage-making processes and heritage and landscape protection policies, material culture and methods of conservation of heritage and landscape.
In the Land-In-Pro project, she is developing research tasks related to the identification, documentation, interpretation, and assessment of (post)industrial landscapes.

Sara Mauri
Sara Mauri (architect, PhD cum laude in Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering) is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Architectural Restoration (ICAR/19) at the University of Genoa (UniGe), Department of Architecture and Design (DAD).
Sara's research interests include methods of restoration and conservation of built cultural heritage, with a focus on 20th-century architectural heritage, and the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability in historic buildings and neighbourhoods through a socio-technical perspective.
In the Land-In-Pro project, she will develop research tasks related to the documentation, mapping, and assessment of (post)industrial landscapes by GIS and DBMS tools in collaboration with the Geomatics Lab (DICCA Department), UniGe.
Project scientific collaborations
The Laboratory of Analytical Methods for the Restoration and History of the Built Environment at the Department of Architecture and Design - DAD (Università di Genova) is part of the infrastructures ensured by the host institution for Land-In-Pro researchers to conduct research activities envisaged in the project. It collaborates in ensuring Land-In-Pro project implementation through its members' scientific knowledge and scientific expertise, knowledge-based resources, and IT tools.

Stefano F. Musso
Stefano F. Musso (architect and PhD) is a Full Professor in Architectural Restoration (ICAR/19) at the University of Genoa (UniGe), Department of Architecture and Design (DAD). He has been Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Genoa and Director of the School of Specialization for Architectural Heritage and Landscape. He is past President of EAAE-European Association for Architectural Education and coordinator of its Network on Conservation and has been President of SIRA-Italian Society for Architectural Restoration. He has been a visiting professor at many foreign universities taught training courses for UNESCO (Albania, Israel) and chaired the ICOMOS-European Commission Expert Group “Cherishing Heritage: Developing Quality Principles for Interventions on Cultural Heritage". He is the author of restoration projects and 328 scientific publications in Italy and abroad.
In the Land-In-Pro project, he collaborates as Director of the Laboratory of Analytical Methods for the Restoration and History of the Built Environment (MARSC), actively contributing to the various research activities.

Rita Vecchiattini
Rita Vecchiattini (architect and PhD in Materials Engineering) is an Associate Professor in Architectural Restoration (ICAR/19) at the Department of Architecture and Design, University of Genoa. Her research interests are in the field of the conservation of historical buildings with a focus on the analysis of materials and their decay phenomena. She carries out research activities on the conservation of 20th-century architecture and industrial heritage. Prof. Vecchiattini is a member of the Board of the Italian Association for the Archaeological Heritage (AIPAI).
In the Land-In-Pro project, she cooperates as a member of the MARSC Lab contributing to the various research activities.

Marta Casanova
Marta Casanova (architect, PhD in Preservation of the Architectural Heritage) is an Assistant Professor and Researcher (RTD-B) in Architectural Technology (ICAR/12) at the University of Genoa (UniGe), Department of Architecture and Design (DAD). Marta’s research interests are technological innovation for the recovery and enhancement process management, construction and architectural features, problems of physical and functional obsolescence, and techniques for the recovery and conservation of 20th-century architectural heritage, traditional technologies and pre-industrial building systems.
In the Land-In-Pro project, she collaborates as a member of the MARSC Lab, actively contributing to the research activities concerning historic archives consultation, fieldwork, and GIS-based mapping and DBMS.

Cecilia Moggia
Cecilia Moggia (architect, post-graduated at the School of Specialisation in Architectural Heritage and Landscape) is a Research Fellow in Architectural Restoration (ICAR/19) at the University of Genoa (UniGe), Department of Architecture and Design (DAD). Cecilia’s research interests are material culture and architectural technology, conservation of pre-industrial and 20th-century architectural heritage and landscape.
In the Land-In-Pro project, she collaborates as a member of the MARSC Lab, actively contributing to the research activities concerning the identification and documentation of post-industrial architectural and landscape legacy.
Laboratory of Geomatics
The Laboratory of Geomatics at the Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering - DICCA (Università di Genova), collaborates with the Land-In-Pro project in implementing research activities foreseen in the WP3, as part of the infrastructures ensured by the host institution. Its members share their scientific knowledge and scientific expertise, and their knowledge-based resources to support Land-In-Pro researchers' work tools.

Bianca Federici
Bianca Federici (engineer, PhD in Hydraulic Engineering and Environmental Systems Modelling) is an Associate Professor in Geomatics (ICAR/06) at the University of Genoa (Italy). She teaches several courses related to surveying techniques and GIS, with a special focus on FOSS solutions. Her research mainly concerns the analysis of geospatial data in GIS and remote sensing for environmental analysis, as well as surveying and monitoring of natural and built environments.
In collaboration with several multidisciplinary research groups, Bianca has developed GIS tools for assessing the susceptibility of rainfall-triggered landslides to collapse, forecasting intense weather events using GNSS measurements, assessing collision risk in logistical areas, identifying areas potentially inundated by rivers or tsunamis, planning GNSS survey campaigns taking into account real obstacles in the area, as well as techniques for extracting seawater turbidity or bathymetry of shallow waters from optical satellite images. She has more than 120 scientific research articles. She is currently a member of the board of the Italian Association of University Teachers of Topography and Cartography (AUTeC), and a member of the executive committee of the Italian Association for Free Geographic Information (
In the Land-In-Pro project, she collaborates as a member of the Laboratory of Geomatics supporting research tasks related to the mapping and assessment of (post)industrial landscapes by GIS and DBMS tools.

Ilaria Ferrando
Ilaria Ferrando (engineer, PhD in Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (curriculum Fluid Dynamics and Environmental Engineering) is an Assistant Professor (RTD-A) and Researcher in Geomatics (ICAR/06) at the University of Genoa (UniGe), Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering.
Ilaria’s research activity mainly develops in the Geomatics field of knowledge, with a particular focus on GNSS Meteorology. Other research interests are related to 3D geomatic surveying/monitoring (regarding design, planning, execution, processing, data analysis, quality control, and restitution) with integrated geomatic techniques for both built and natural (terrestrial and marine) environments, geospatial data processing, and analysis in Geographical Information System (GIS) environment.
In the Land-In-Pro project, she collaborates as a member of the Laboratory of Geomatics supporting research tasks related to the mapping and assessment of (post)industrial landscapes by GIS and DBMS tools.

Paola Salmona
Paola Salmona (architect, PhD in Architecture) is an Assistant Professor (RTD-A) and Researcher in Geomatics (ICAR/06) at the University of Genoa (UniGe), Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (DICCA).
Paola worked for several years as a cartography and GIS technician at the Geomorfolab - Laboratory of Applied Geomorphology at the Department of Architecture and Design (DAD), UniGe where she gained wide experience in the application of GIS tools for the territorial and landscape planning and analysis, with special regard to hydrogeological risk management, rural and environmentally degraded areas survey in support of their recovery, historical settlements and traditional agriculture enhancement. Paola employs image classification techniques, quick survey applications and methodologies to compare current land features and conditions with historical documents such are maps.
In the Land-In-Pro project, she collaborates as a member of the Laboratory of Geomatics supporting research tasks related to the mapping and assessment of (post)industrial landscapes by GIS and DBMS tools.
This project has received funding from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) - Mission 4 “Education and Research” - Component 2 “From Research to Business” - Investment 1.2 “Funding projects presented by young researchers” and the European Union's Next Generation EU Recovery Plan - Project no. 100027-2022-FP-PNRR-YR_MSCA_0000005"

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