Educational visit to Bormida Valley (Savona): Ferrania Film Museum and the (post)industrial landscape of Ferrania (Italy)
December 17, 2024 | Cairo Montenotte and Ferrania, IT
As part of the Land-In-Pro knowledge transfer activities, Federica Pompejano and Sara Mauri organised an educational visit in the Bormida Valley, Savona, which involved the first-year specialization students attending the School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage of the University of Genoa. The field trip took place on Tuesday 17 December 2024. It included entry to the Ferrania Film Museum in Cairo Montenotte (Savona) and fieldwork activity and study visit in Ferrania, at the former industrial factory.
The knowledge transfer activity was also an integral part of the teaching "Cultural Landscape and Change Management" taught by Prof. Pompejano at the School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage of the University of Genoa.
Participation in the National Conference on Geomatics and Geographic Information ASITA 2024, Padova, (Italy)
December 9-13, 2024 | Padova, IT
As part of the Land-In-Pro dissemination activities, Sara Mauri participated in the ASITA 2024 National Conference in Padua (Italy) presenting a contribution titled “Esplorare la dimensione storica del paesaggio (post)industriale della Valle Bormida (Liguria, Italia): l’approccio metodologico del progetto Land-In-Pro”, co-authored with Federica Pompejano (Land-In-Pro PI), Ilaria Ferrando (Geomatic Lab, DICCA) and Paola Salmona (Geomatic Lab, DICCA).
The National Conference on Geomatics and Geographic Information ASITA 2024 is a biannual conference organized by the Federazione delle Associazioni Scientifiche per le Informazioni Territoriali e Ambientali (ASITA). ASITA promotes a multidisciplinary and integrated vision of the Geomatics sector in an attempt to outline the “best practices” useful for an effective technological transfer of research results into various application fields.More information on the conference programme and proceedings is available here.
Participation in the XII International Conference ReUSO 2024, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Bergamo (Italy)
October 29-31, 2024 | Bergamo, IT
- As part of the Land-In-Pro dissemination activities, Federica Pompejano and Sara Mauri participated in the XII ReUSO 2024 International Conference presenting a contribution titled “DBMS and GIS for the Knowledge of the Ferrania (post)Industrial site (Savona, Italy) within the Land-In-Pro Research Project”, co-authored with Marta Casanova (Lab MARSC, UniGe-DAD) and Sara Rocco (former Land-In-Pro postdoctoral researcher).
The XII° ReUSO 2024 International Conference was organized by the Dept. of Engineering and Applied Sciences (DISA) of the University of Bergamo with the support of the Dept. of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Pavia and the Dept. of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Enna “Kore”, in Bergamo, Italy. ReUSO is an annual and itinerant conference that every year welcomes scholars, professionals and researchers to reflect on the themes of safeguarding and valorizing the existing.
Participation in the X Edition of Archivi Aperti - Rete Fotografia and Ferrania Film Museum, Cairo Montenotte (Savona)
October 19, 2024 | Cairo Montenotte (Savona), IT
The Workshop for children “Tra fabbrica e memoria: Scopriamo il paesaggio industriale di Ferrania” took place on October 19, 2024, at the Civic Library "F.C. Rossi" in Cairo Montenotte (Savona), in collaboration with the Ferrania Film Museum (Comune di Cairo Montenotte), which hosted the X Edition of "Archivi Aperti,” an initiative organised at the national level by Rete Fotografia.
By introducing young participants to archival documents preserved at the Ferrania Film Museum, Land-In-Pro PI, Federica Pompejano and Marta Casanova (Lab MARSC UniGe-DAD) engaged children in two educational and creative activities that fostered their curiosity and self-expression by exploring and reinterpreting elements and features of Ferrania's industrial landscape and architecture, while enhancing their awareness of its historical and cultural significance.
Participation in the ISC20C Seminar 2024, Aalto University, Helsinki (Finland)
August 20, 2024 | Helsinki, FI
On August 20, 2024, Federica Pompejano, in the dual role of PI of the Land-In-Pro research project and ISC20C member, took part (online) in the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage Seminar 2024. The ISC20C Seminar 2024 was organised as a fundamental part of the ICOMOS ISC20C Annual General Meeting held in Finland on August 19–22, 2024 by the International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage and the Alvar Aalto Foundation in cooperation with the ICOMOS Finland, Aalto University, DOCOMOMO Suomi Finland and the City of Jyväskylä.
Prof. Pompejano presented a contribution titled "Meanings and Perceptions of Change: Recognising 20th-Century (post)Industrial Landscapes", as part of the selected contributions in Session 1 - Diversity of Conservation Approaches and Climate Change.
Participation in the 5th National Conference on Faculty Development "From policies to practices. Teaching professionalism in institutional and technological evolution", Università di Genova
June 13-14, 2024 | Genoa, IT
- On June 13-14, 2024, Sara Rocco participated in the 5th National Conference on Faculty Development "From policies to practices. Teaching professionalism in institutional and technological evolution", organized by the University of Genoa (UniGe), with the collaboration of AsdUni (Italian Association for the promotion and development of Teaching, Learning and Teaching in University) and the patronage of the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities (CRUI). Dr. Rocco presented a contribution titled “Engaging Students in Research. The Co-Creation Activity within the Land-In-Pro Seminar Cycle” explaining the co-design and co-creation activities carried out within the WP5 research activities.
The programme of the 5th National Conference on Faculty Development is available here.
Participation in the thematic workshop "Rigenerare paesaggi fragili: Progetto e tutela per la montagna", Master’s degree programme in Architettura e Disegno Urbano, Politecnico di Milano
May 22, 2024 | Milan, IT
- Sara Rocco was invited to deliver a lecture entitled "Studies on Post-Industrial Landscapes. The Land-In-Pro research project" as part of the "Rigenerare paesaggi fragili: Progetto e tutela per la montagna" thematic workshop, led by Professors Stefano di Vita, Claudia Cavallo, and Francesca Vigotti, at the Politecnico di Milano within the Master’s degree programme in Architettura e Disegno Urbano.
Dr. Rocco organised this lecture to discuss preliminary concepts related to the landscape, as well as the methodology and initial findings of the Land-In-Pro research project, with particular reference to the pilot case study of Ferrania (Savona).
Participation in the seminar cycle "Patrimonio industriale a rischio: dalla dismissione alla valorizzazione", PhD Course in Architectural Heritage, Politecnico di Torino
April 17, 2024 | Turin, IT
- Federica Pompejano participated as an invited speaker in the seminar cycle "Industrial heritage at risk: from disposal to valorisation" (Patrimonio industriale a rischio: dalla dismissione alla valorizzazione) organised by Prof. Manuela Mattone within the PhD course in Architectural Heritage at the Politecnico di Torino, Turin. During the invited lecture, Dr Pompejano presented a contribution titled "Patrimonio industriale e paesaggio: il progetto di ricerca Land-In-Pro" introducing the research questions and activities within the Land-In-Pro project.
Land-In-Pro Seminar Cycle + Co-creation activities
March 7-May 2, 2024 | Genoa, IT
- The Land-In-Pro Seminar Cycle “Perspectives on (post)industrial heritage and landscapes” is conceived as part of the Open Sciences Practices and co-creation and co-design activities within the WP5 “Knowledge transfer and dissemination: discussing (post)industrial landscapes”. For this reason, it has been included within the teaching programme of Principles of Conservation, to involve students attending the first year of the international master course in Architectural Composition at the Università di Genova that will interact with invited experts and researchers in the field of cultural heritage and landscape.
It is possible to attend the open lectures via Microsoft Teams. Links to the online Open Lecture are provided in the link-tree of the project's Instagram profile.
The programme of the Land-In-Pro Seminar Cycle is available here.
Knowledge Transfer: MSc student Lisa Guglielmi carries out her curricular internship within Land-In-Pro
November 6, 2023 - February 29, 2024 | Genoa, IT
- Within the WP5 - Knowledge transfer and dissemination: discussing (post)industrial landscapes, Lisa Guglielmi MSc student in Engineering for Building Retrofitting at the Università di Genova, carries out her curricular internship titled "Digitisation, georeferencing and processing of historical cartography by means of GIS tools". The internship provided Lisa with skills and competencies for the processing of historical cartographic data through the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The goal was to analyse and visualize the traces of the (de)industrialization processes in the industrial site of Ferrania, Bormida Valley, Liguria. The internship was carried out at the Department of Architecture and Design premises, UniGe, under the supervision of Prof. Federica Pompejano (Land-In-Pro PI) and Prof. Marta Casanova (Lab. MARSC) with the support of Prof. Bianca Federici (Geomatics Lab).
Participation in the Fifth International Conference on Architecture and Urban Design (5-ICAUD) "Self-sufficient City"
November 16-18, 2023 | Tirana, AL
- Federica Pompejano participates in the Fifth International Conference on Architecture and Urban Design (5-ICAUD) "Self-sufficient City" in Tirana, Albania, where she introduced the case-study context and the pilot site around which Land-In-Pro project will be developed in the next two years. The 5th International Conference on Architecture and Urban Design (5-ICAUD 2023) aims to discuss and share knowledge in architecture and urban planning-related topics by exploring the idea of self-sufficient cities in terms of social, economic and cultural aspects.T Dr Pompejano participated in an oral contribution in the session "Self-sufficient city - Heritage, Conservation and Revitalisation".
More info, program, and online access here: 5-ICAUD International Conference.
Participation in the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage 2023 Scientific Symposium "Twentieth Century Heritage: Sustainable Development and Climate Action"
September 1, 2023 | Sydney, AUS
- Federica Pompejano participates (online) in the ICOMOS ISC20C 2023 Scientific Symposium "Twentieth Century Heritage: Sustainable Development and Climate Action" and will introduce the objectives of Land-In-Pro. The 2023 Scientific Symposium is hosted by the ICOMOS ISC Twentieth Century, and the Sydney Opera House, in Sydney, Australia. It aims to discuss the role of conserving modern heritage in achieving sustainable development goals and climate change action.
More info, program, and online access here: ISC20C 2023 Scientific Symposium.
Participation in the ERC @UniGe Masterclass
July 6-7, 2023 | Genoa, IT
- To advance in ground-breaking research on (post)industrial heritage and landscape, Land-In-Pro foresees the submission of an ERC-StG proposal among its WP5 activities.
To this end, Federica Pompejano attended the ERC @UniGe Masterclass organized by the Research Office of the University of Genoa, in collaboration with APRE - Agency for the Promotion of European Research. The ERC Masterclass @UniGe is a training and informative course intended for the next ERC calls’ potential candidates and has been scheduled as a fundamental learning activity to boost PI’s research writing skills.
Participation in the UTLC FOR.I.U. 2023 Workshop "Training in university teaching innovation"
June 22-24, 30, July 7, 2023 | Acqui Terme and Genoa, IT
- Federica Pompejano participated in the FOR.I.U. 2023 Workshop “Training in university teaching innovation” organised by the UniGe Teaching Learning Centre (UTLC) on fundamental innovative and inclusive teaching tools. This initiative has been included in the Land-In-Pro work plan as preparatory activity in support of the planning and development of the knowledge transfer, co-design and co-creation activities envisaged by the project during WP5 and WP6.
More info on UniGe's UTLC can be found here.
Beyond the Palimpsest: Recognizing and Imagining the Future of Albanian Territorial Heritage in Elbasan | PhD Workshop 2022-23 - DAStU, Politecnico di Milano
February 7, 2023 | Milan, IT
- Federica Pompejano is one of the speakers invited to hold an online presentation that explores the impact of socialist modernisation and industrialisation processes in the Albanian post-socialist rural landscape (EU-funded project titled "Materializing Modernity: Socialist and Post-socialist Rural Legacy in Contemporary Albania - MaMo", GA no. 896925), in the 2022-2023 doctoral workshop organised by the Politecnico di Milano, DAStU Department in partnership with the Polytechnic University of Tirana - Department of Architecture, Albanian National Territorial Planning Agency - AKPT, Albanian Development Fund - FSHZH, Municipality of Elbasan, and the Municipality of Tirana, within the educational research activities of the PhD Courses in Urban Planning, Design, and Policy and Preservation of the Architectural Heritage.

Land-In-Pro Seminar Cycle and co-creation activities on Spotify as part of the "I podcast del GLIA" Series
December 13, 2024 | Genoa, IT
- Federica Pompejano and Sara Rocco participated in the “I podcast del GLIA” series as part of the Land-In-Pro communication activities. The series is an initiative by UniGe Radio on the Open Spotify platform and explores the themes of the 5th National Conference on Faculty Development, focusing on the evolving educational policies and teaching practices in response to institutional challenges and new technologies. The series also explores the growing emphasis on quality teaching, as highlighted in the Guidelines for Recognizing and Enhancing University Teaching and in projects funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan's Digital Education Hubs. These initiatives signify a significant shift in the Italian approach to university teaching, aiming to consolidate teaching skills through a more structured and coordinated system.
Federica Pompejano e Sara Rocco (UniGe) participated in the 5th National Conference on Faculty Development with the contribution “Engaging Students in Research. The Co-Creation Activity within the Land-In-Pro Seminar Cycle”. Listen to their podcast episode where they explain how they engaged students in the Land-In-Pro research topics.
Land-In-Pro is promoted on the website of the Società Italiana per il Restauro dell'Architettura (SIRA)
February 20, 2024 | Genoa, IT
- The Land-In-Pro research project is promoted in the website of the Società Italiana per il Restauro dell'Architettura (SIRA). On the dedicated webpage, a brief summary containing the main information on the Land-In-Pro project is published.
Land-In-Pro team welcomes Dr Sara Mauri
January 15, 2024 | Genoa, IT
- The Land-In-Pro team welcomes Dr Sara Mauri who joins Land-In-Pro as a postdoctoral researcher (ICAR/19) and will contribute to the project's research activities for the next 12 months.
In the Land-In-Pro project, she will develop research tasks related to the documentation, mapping, and assessment of (post)industrial landscapes in collaboration with the Geomatics Lab (DICCA Department), UniGe.
Land-In-Pro collaborates with the Resonances project
December 16, 2023 | Genoa, IT
- Federica Pompejano, PI of the Land-In-Pro research project and her collaborator Sara Rocco (Postdoctoral researcher), collaborate with Elisabetta Canepa, PI of European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program MSCA funded project Resonances in the Dr Canepa initiative “Seeds for research - International guest scholars collaborate with the RESONANCES project” for the creation of collaborative Instagram carousels posts on both projects Instagram feeds.
To view the carousel posts access the Land-In-Pro Ig profile and the Resonances Ig profile.
UniGe call for research grants - Land-In-Pro seeks candidates
November 6, 2023 | Genoa, IT
- A 1-year research grant position at UniGe DAD is issued in the framework of the Land-In-Pro research project funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, as part of the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 "Education and Research" - Component 2 "From research to business", Investment 1. 2 "Funding of projects presented by young researchers" within the NextGenerationEU recovery package.
- Land-In-Pro seeks CANDIDATES that:
• are highly motivated and interested in the topics;
• hold an MSc degree in one of the following fields: Architecture and Building Engineering, Urban and Environmental Territorial Planning, Environmental Science and Technologies, Geography and Environmental Science, Environmental and Civil Engineering (e.g., Geomatics, Built environment and landscape analysis);
• have an excellent knowledge of GIS, webGIS, and geodata management tools for landscape transformation analysis;
• have an excellent command of the English and Italian languages;
• are problem-solving and willing to work in an interdisciplinary team, travel and conduct field research.
Deadline: December 6, 2023, h. 12:00
Call text and application procedure available on UniGe website.
Land-In-Pro team welcomes Dr Sara Rocco
October 2, 2023 | Genoa, IT
- The Land-In-Pro team welcomes Dr Sara Rocco who joins Land-In-Pro as a postdoctoral researcher (ICAR/19) and will contribute to the project's research activities for the next two years. Sara’s research interests are history and theories of restoration and conservation, legislation on the protection of cultural heritage, material culture and architectural technology and methods of conservation of heritage and landscape.
In the Land-In-Pro project, she will develop research tasks related to the identification, documentation, interpretation, and assessment of (post)industrial landscapes.
Land-In-Pro's PI collaborates with the PULSE project
September 14-15, 2023 | Genoa, IT
- Federica Pompejano participates as a discussant in the round table and as moderator of Session 01 within the co-creation activity “01 CforW - Investigating & Recording the Port-Cluster Landscape: Call for Words – PULSE kick-off event” organised by Beatrice Moretti (UniGe DAD) as part of the research project “PULSE - The Port-clUster LandScapE: Developing a Spatial and Design Approach to Port Clusters”, in Genova, Italy.
Land-In-Pro agreement with Cairo Montenotte Municipality
September 13, 2023 | Genoa, IT
- Within the framework of the Land-In-Pro research project, the Department of Architecture and Design (UniGe) signed an agreement with the Cairo Montenotte Municipality to develop studies and research activities relating to the (post)industrial heritage and landscape included in the administrative and territorial boundaries of the Municipality of Cairo Montenotte (Savona) with particular reference to the "Landscapes of Industrial Production: Documenting and Assessing (post) Industrial Landscapes as Resources (Land-In-Pro) research project.
UniGe call for research grants - Land-In-Pro seeks candidates
August 1, 2023 | Genoa, IT
- A 1-year research grant position at UniGe DAD is issued in the framework of the Land-In-Pro research project funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, as part of the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 "Education and Research" - Component 2 "From research to business", Investment 1. 2 "Funding of projects presented by young researchers" within the NextGenerationEU recovery package.
- Land-In-Pro seeks CANDIDATES that:
• are highly motivated and interested in the topics;
• hold an MSc degree in one of the following fields: Architecture and Building Engineering, Urban and Environmental Territorial Planning, Environmental Science and Technologies, Geography and Environmental Science, Environmental and Civil Engineering (e.g., Geomatics, Built environment and landscape analysis);
• have an excellent knowledge of GIS, webGIS, and geodata management tools for landscape transformations analysis;
• have an excellent command of the English and Italian languages;
• are problem-solving and willing to work in an interdisciplinary team, travel and conduct field research.
Deadline: August 31, 2023, h. 12:00
Call text and application procedure available on UniGe website.
Land-In-Pro consult the library and archives at the Società Savonese di Storia Patria
June-July, 2023 | Genoa, IT
- Federica Pompejano is consulting the useful materials in the online catalogue and at the library of the Società Savonese di Storia Patria (Savona). The Land-In-Pro research project is promoted also in the website of the cultural association.
More information here.
UniGe call for research grants - Land-In-Pro seeks postdoctoral candidates
June 16 , 2023 | Genoa, IT
- A 2-years postdoctoral position at UniGe DAD is issued in the framework of Land-In-Pro research project funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, as part of the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 "Education and Research" - Component 2 "From research to business", Investment 1. 2 "Funding of projects presented by young researchers" within the NextGenerationEU recovery package.
- Land-In-Pro seeks CANDIDATES that:
• are highly motivated and interested in the topics;
• have completed a PhD in one of the following fields: conservation of architectural heritage, architectural restoration, protection of architectural heritage, landscape and historical buildings;
• have an excellent command of the English language in addition to the Italian language;
• are willing to work in an interdisciplinary team, travel and conduct field research;
• have a sufficient level of research skills and autonomy.
Deadline: July 17, 2023, h. 12:00
Call text and application procedure available on UniGe website.
"TgR Buone Notizie: premiata la ricerca al femminile"
April 7, 2023 | Genoa, IT
- Three young researchers from the University of Genoa have received funding to pursue their research. Land-In-Pro is briefly introduced. Broadcast on RAI News Liguria.
DAD-UniGE news
January 31, 2023 | Genoa, IT
- Land-In-Pro is published on the UniGe-DAD website together with the other winning project PULSE - The Port-clUster LandScapE: Developing a Spatial and Design Approach to Port Clusters. announces the 5 winners of the NRRP MUR "Young Researchers Call 2022" - NextGeneration EU
January 30, 2023 | Genoa, IT
- Federica Pompejano is among the winners of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 "Education and Research" - Component 2 "From research to business", Investment 1. 2 "Funding of projects presented by young researchers" Call, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research within the Next Generation EU recovery plan. She will be the Principal Investigator of the project "Landscapes of Industrial Production: Documenting and Assessing 20th century (post)Industrial Landscapes as Resources (Land-In-Pro)" to be implemented at the University of Genoa, Department of Architecture and Design - DAD. The news is published and shared by UniGe magazine,

This project has received funding from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) - Mission 4 “Education and Research” - Component 2 “From Research to Business” - Investment 1.2 “Funding projects presented by young researchers” and the European Union's Next Generation EU Recovery Plan - Project no. 100027-2022-FP-PNRR-YR_MSCA_0000005"

The responsibility for the content published on the Land-In-Pro website lies with the author/s. The Italian Ministry of University and Research and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.