WP1 | Literature Collection

About the Land-In-Pro Literature Collection

The Land-In-Pro literature collection is the milestone of WP1 research activities. It contains references such as books, articles, documents, conference papers, etc., concerning (post)industrial heritage and landscape studies in various fields ranging from local history to landscape and critical heritage studies. The corpus of the Land-In-Pro literature collection is formed by references having both local, national and international - mainly European - relevance. The Land-In-Pro literature collection is intended to be a living tool in which new references will be added and made available as the project implementation progresses.

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Land-In-Pro Tags

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1868s.d.Guida descrittiva di Savona e delle città e comuni principali del circondario: coll'aggiunta di cenni biografici intorno ad uomini illustriTipografia FodrattiFirenze, ITBookitGuide, Tour, History, Monuments, City04IHLL, 04cMiscellany
1873Bormida, Società agricola operaia di CastenuovoRegolamento della Società agricola operaja di Castelnuovo-BormidaTip. sociale, diretta da RaggiAcqui Terme, ITBookitSociety, Guidelines, Bormida04IHLL, 04cMiscellany
1874Bertolotto, A.; Pessano, S.Dal Mare al Piemonte. Savona-Acqui-Torino. Viaggio in ferroviaTipografia BarberaRoma, ITBookitHistory, Tour, Railway04IHLL, 04cMiscellany
1903Carissimo, Antonio; Crotti, GiovanniFunicolari del carbone Genova-Busalla. Il Politecnico. Giornale dell'ingegnere architetto civile e industriale 33(feb): 122-133Tipografia e Litografia degli IngegneriMilano, ITJournal ArticleitCoke, Cable railway04IHLL, 04cMiscellany
1903Carissimo, Antonio; Crotti, GiovanniFunicolari del carbone Genova-Busalla. Descrizione dettagliata dell'impianto. Il Politecnico. Giornale dell'ingegnere architetto civile e industriale 33(mar) 182-200Tipografia e Litografia degli IngegneriMilano, ITJournal ArticleitCoke, Cable railway, Liguria, Genova04IHLL, 04cMiscellany
1903Carissimo, Antonio; Crotti, GiovanniFunicolari del carbone Genova-Busalla. Convenienza economica del trasporto aereo in confronto agli ordinari sistemi. Il Politecnico. Giornale dell'ingegnere architetto civile e industriale 33(apr): 55-68Tipografia e Litografia degli IngegneriMilano, ITJournal ArticleitCoke, Cable railway, Liguria, Genova04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1903Carissimo, Antonio; Crotti, GiovanniFunicolari del carbone Savona-S.GiuseppeTipografia e Litografia degli IngegneriMilano, ITJournal ArticleitCoke, Cable railway, Liguria, Savona, Bormida Valley04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1917Molinari, EttoreLo sviluppo di alcune grandi industrie chimiche in rapporto alla guerra. Le industrie italiane illustrate 5: 55-68Istituto Editoriale ItalianoMilano, ITJournal ArticleitWartime, Industrial production, Development, Chemical factories04IHLL, 04cMiscellany
1959Ferro, GaetanoGli insediamenti industriali dell'alto bacino della Bormida. Atti della Società Savonese di Storia Patria XXXI: 69-170Stabilimento Tipografia PriamarSavona, ITJournal ArticleitIndustrial development, Bormida Valley, Industrial sites04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1962United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)Recommendation concerning the safeguarding of the beauty and character of landscapes and sitess.d.OnlineDocumentenPreservation, Cultural interest, Aesthetic interest, Nature, Landscape03HLR, 03aInternational
1964Barile, AdolfoRelazione. In Convegno sui problemi economici e urbanistici della Valle Bormida, 25-31s.d.Millesimo, ITConference PaperitIndustrial development04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1964Gaggero, NinoRelazione. In Convegno sui problemi economici e urbanistici della Valle Bormida, 32-37s.d.Millesimo, ITConference PaperitUrban planning, Industrial development04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1964International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites (The Venice Charter 1964)s.d.OnlineDocumentenHistoric monument, Urban setting, Conservation, Restoration, Historic sites, Excavation03HLR, 03aInternational
1965Cerisola, NelloStoria delle industrie savonesiCamera di Commercio Industria e Agricoltura - Savona. Casa Editrice LiguriaGenova, ITBookitHistory, Industries, Savona04IHLL, 04cMiscellany
1966Vallega, AdalbertoCentri Urbani e Comunità Rurali nel Bacino della Bormida di SpignoCamera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura - Centro Studi Economici - SavonaSavona, ITBookitDemography, Development, Transformation, Bormida Valley, Industrialization04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1968Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e AgricolturaLo sviluppo economico dei bacini delle BormideFratelli PaganoGenova, ITBook Economic development, Economy, Transformation, Bormida Valley04IHLL, 04cMiscellany
1969Berlinguer, GiovanniLa salute nelle fabbricheDe Donato EditoreBari, ITBookitFactory, Health, Work, Study01IHLT
1971Comitato PromotoreRelazione del Comitato Promotore. In Convegno per lo Sviluppo dell'Industria Chimica nella Provincia di Savona in preparazione della Conferenza per le Partecipazioni Statali indetta dalla Regione Ligurias.d.Cairo Montenotte, ITConference PaperitEconomy, Industrial site, Bormida Valley, Infrastructures04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1972United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)Convention concerning the protection of the world cultural and natural heritages.d.OnlineLegislationenProtection, Natural heritage, Cultural heritage03HLR, 03aInternational
1973Cerisola, NelloLe industrie savonesi nel secolo XIX. In I Convegno Storico Savonese, 103-117Società Savonese di Storia PatriaSavona, ITConference PaperitXIX century, History, Industrial development, Economic history04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1973Cerisola, NelloStoria delle industrie imperiesiEditrice LiguriaSavona, ITBookitEconomic history, Factories, History04IHLL, 04cMiscellany
1974Cesarini, Secondo FrancescoL'evoluzione dell'attività industriale nella Valle Bormida: stasi o incremento?Officina Tipografica ValbormidaCengio, ITBookitEconomic history, Industrial development04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1977Quaini, MassimoL’arco ligure. In Capire l'Italia. I Paesaggi Umani, 74-87.Touring Club ItalianoMilano, ITBook chapteritLandscape, Liguria04IHLL, 04cMiscellany
1978Muratore, GiorgioArcheologia dell'industria: un incontro. Quaderni storici 13 (39(3)): 1222-1224Società editrice Il Mulino S.p.A.Bologna, ITJournal ArticleitIndustrial archeology, Conference01IHLT
1978Facco Parodi, Annamaria; De Dominicis, FabioValli del BormidaSegep EditriceGenova, ITBookitBormida Valley, Geography, Architecture, Development04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1980Covino, RenatoArcheologia industriale in Italia: ambito disciplinare, termini cronologici. Quaderni storici 15 (43(1)): 218-229Società editrice Il Mulino S.p.A.Bologna, ITJournal ArticleitIndustrial archeology, Material culture, History01IHLT
1985Cesarini, Secondo FrancescoNell'economia antica alcune basi di preminente importanza per l'economia moderna. In I Convegno Storico: Valbormida e Riviera. Economia e cultura attraverso i secoli, 167-170Impresa Editoriale EuropeaCamerana, ITConference PaperitEconomic history, Ironwork, Rural culture, Watermill04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1985Ciciliot, FurioVal Bormida tra Medioevo ed età moderna. Fonti e frammenti di storia economica, sociale e culturale. In I Convegno Storico: Valbormida e Riviera. Economia e cultura attraverso i secoli, 9-78Impresa Editoriale EuropeaCamerana, ITConference PaperitEconomic history, Social history, Culture, Routes, Monuments, Castles, Ironwork, Rural culture, Watermill04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1985Lombardo, AlessandroGli archivi storici d'impresa in Liguria. Studi Storici 26(1): 107-116Fondazione Istituto GramsciRoma, ITJournal ArticleitCorporate historical archives04IHLL
1987Cesarini, Secondo FrancescoPiano paesistico e piano territoriale di coordinamento Savonese e Valle BormidaComune di CengioCengio, ITBookitPlanning, Bormida Valley04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1990Regione LiguriaPiano territoriale di coordinamento paesistico (D.C.R. n.6 del 26 febbraio 1990)s.d.OnlineLegislationitTerritorial planning, Region03HLR, 03dRegional
1990Tuan, Yi-FuTopophilia: a study of environmental perception, attitudes, and values ; with a new preface by the authorColumbia University PressNew York, NY, USBookenPerception, Bond, Group, Individual, Human geography, Psychology, Culture, Environment06HLS
1990Cesarini, Secondo FrancescoQuasi due secoli di storia economica. Quale futuro per la Valle Bormida? Le comunità montane per un problema del nostro tempo: lo smaltimento dei rifiutiComune di CengioCengio, ITBookitBormida Valley, Economic history, Development04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1992Salmoiraghi, A.Ferrania: dalle antiche ferriere all'industria dell'immagine. Storia, economia e sviluppo di una realtà industrialeMarco Sabatelli EditoreSavona, ITBookitHistory, Ferrania, SIPE, Photos, FILM, 3M, Film04IHLL, 04bFerrania
1992Cesarini, Secondo FrancescoNote per una storia economica di Cairo MontenotteComune di Cairo MontenotteCairo Montenotte, ITBookitHistory, Transition, Industrial development04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1994Nara ConferenceThe Nara Document of Authenticitys.d.s.d.DocumentenCultural diversity, Heritage diversity, Value, Autenticity03HLR, 03aInternational
1994Bezzola, GuidoDalla Ferrania alla 3M. Una storia di cultura umana e imprenditorialeGruppo 3M ItaliaMilano, ITBookitMemory, Ferrania, 3M04IHLL, 04bFerrania
1994Tilley, Christopher Y.A phenomenology of landscape: places, paths, and monumentsBerg PublishersOxford, UK; Providence, R.I., USBookenLandscape perception, Landscape, Topography, Philosophy, Phenomenologhy, Visual06HLS
1995Ciarlo, MarcoEmergenze Storico Monumentali in Valle Bormida. In Qual è il patrimonio architettonico e artistico da salvare in Val Bormida?, 21-28Edizione della Comunità Montana Alta Val BormidaMillesimo, ITConference PaperitCensus, Indicators, Castles, Industrial architecture, Ironwork, Watermill, Values04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1995Stringa, PaoloValori Storico-Culturali e Sistema Insediativo. In Qual è il patrimonio architettonico e artistico da salvare in Val Bormida?, 9-28Edizione della Comunità Montana Alta Val BormidaMillesimo, ITConference PaperitLandscape, Historical centers04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1995Council of Europe (CoE)Recommendation No. R (95)9 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on the integrated conservation of cultural landscape areas as part of landscape policiess.d.OnlineDocumentenIntegrated conservation, Cultural landscape, Landscape policies03HLR, 03bEuropean
1997Bruno, Danilo; Prestipino, Carmelo"I Segni del Lavoro" nelle Valli del Bormida tra XIX e XX SecoloIstituto Internazionale di Studi LiguriCairo Montenotte, ITBookitIronwork, Glassmaker, Industrial development, French planned development, Chemical industry, Workers' associations04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley, 04bFerrania
1997Dotta, AndreaLa chimica a Cengio. Storie di battaglie e conflitti dentro e fuori i cancelliCoop TipografSavona, ITBookitACNA, Cengio, History04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley, 04cMiscellany
1998Scarzello, GianluigiModificazioni ambientali indotte dai cambiamenti socio-economici dell'agricoltura. In Il Novecento della Val Bormida, 157-210IMATION Stabilimento di Ferrania (Cairo Montenotte), ItalyCairo Montenotte, ITConference PaperitPerception, Landscape, History, Agriculture, Farm animals04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1998Pasquale, LucianoLo sviluppo industriale in Val Bormida. In Il Novecento della Val Bormida, 49-58IMATION Stabilimento di Ferrania (Cairo Montenotte), ItalyCairo Montenotte, ITConference PaperitIronwork, Glassmaker, Industrial development04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1998Paggi, Mario LorenzoNovecento: «secolo breve». In Il Novecento della Val Bormida, 17-30IMATION Stabilimento di Ferrania (Cairo Montenotte), ItalyCairo Montenotte, ITConference PaperitHistory, XX century04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1998Molinari, AugustaMovimento operaio e cultura del lavoro. In Il Novecento della Val Bormida, 59-68IMATION Stabilimento di Ferrania (Cairo Montenotte), ItalyCairo Montenotte, ITConference PaperitWork culture, Workers, Rural culture, Industrial culture04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
1998Höfer, WolframPost-industrial Landscape. In Breuste, Jürgen; Feldmann, Hildegard; Uhlmann, Ogarit (Eds), Urban Ecology, 671-675SpringerBerlin and Heidelberg, DEBook chapterenPostindustrial landscape, Urban nature, Philosophical background, Aesthetic value01IHLT
1998Feilden, Bernard M.; Jokilehto, JukkaManagement guidelines for world cultural heritage sitesICCROMRoma, ITBookenWHL, World heritage sites, Management03HLR, 03eMiscellany
2000Antrop, MarcBackground concepts for integrated landscape analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 77(1): 17-28Elsevier ScienceOnlineJournal ArticleenLandscape, Landscape ecology, Planning, Regional geography, Urbanisation06HLS
2000Council of Europe (CoE), (CoE)European Landscape Convention (ETS No. 176)s.d.OnlineLegislationenLandscape policy, Outstanding landscape, Ordinary landscape, Protection, Management, Planning, Transfrontier landscape03HLR, 03bEuropean
2000Zanini, AndreaLe radici del futuro. Un secolo di industria chimica in provincia di SavonaElio Ferraris EditoreSavona, ITBookitHistory, Chemical factory, Chemical industry, Wartime, Economic history04IHLL, 04aBormidaValley
2001Falser, MichaelIs Industrial Heritage under-represented on the World Heritage List?s.d.s.d.DocumentenIndustrial heritage, World Heritage List, Tentative List, Classification, Global strategy01IHLT, 03HLR, 03eMiscellany
2001Battisti, Francesco Maria (Ed)Eugenio Battisti. Archeologia industriale: architettura, lavoro, tecnologia, economia e la vera rivoluzione industrialeJaca BookMilano, ITBookitIndustrial archeology, Protoindustry, Economy, Society, Reuse01IHLT
2002Aston, MichaelInterpreting the landscape: landscape archaeology and local historyRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupLondon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenLandscape change, Landscape development, Process, Dynamic history, History, Great Britain, England, Historical geography, Landscape archaeology, Land use06HLS
2002The Countryside Agency; Scottish Natural Heritage; Swanwick, Carys; Land Use ConsultantsLandscape Character Assessment. Guidance for England and Scotlands.d.s.d.DocumentenPrinciples, Process, Desk study, Field survey, Classification, Judgment, Landscape Character Assessment, Conservation, Management05IHLAM
2003Kirk, JohnMapping the Remains of the Postindustrial Landscape. Space and Culture 6(2): 178-186Sage PublicationsOnlineJournal ArticleenWorking class, Culture, Postindustrial, Language01IHLT
2003Lin, S.C.; Tang, T.Factor Assessment Of The Environmental Impact For Tainan Technology Industrial Park In Taiwan. Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 63: 219-229WIT PressAshurst, Southampton, UKJournal ArticleenMulti-objective decision support method, Delphi method, Questionnaire, Analytic hierarchy process, Impact factors05IHLAM
2003The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH)The Nizhny Tagil Charter for the Industrial Heritage - XII National Assembly of TICCIH, Moscows.d.OnlineDocumentenIndustrial archaeology, Interdisciplinary method, Industrial Revolution, Policies, Public participation, Professional training03HLR, 03aInternational
2003Aldred, Oscar; Fairclough, GrahamHistoric Landscape Characterisation. Taking stock of the method. The National HLC Method Review 2002English Heritage & Somerset County CouncilOnlineReportenHLC, Methodological history05IHLAM
2003United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritages.d.OnlineLegislationenIntangible heritage, Cultural heritage, Communities03HLR, 03aInternational
2003Howard, PeterHeritage: management, interpretation, identityContinuum International Publishing GroupLondon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenCultural heritage, Protection, Management, Heritage, Heritage interpretation, Identity, People, Process, Handbook06HLS
2003AAVVPolis. Idee e cultura nelle città. Cairo MontenotteKoinèMilano, ITBookitCairo Montenotte, History, Industrial archaeology, Culture, Identity04IHLL; 04aBormidaValley
2004Antrop, MarcLandscape change and the urbanization process in Europe. Development of European Landscapes 67(1): 9-26Elsevier ScienceOnlineJournal ArticleenUrbanization, Countryside, Landscape change, Rural06HLS
2004Presidenza della Repubblica ItalianaCodice dei Beni Culturali e del Paesaggio (D. Lgs n. 42/2004)s.d.OnlineLegislationitCultural goods, Italy, Landscape03HLR
2004Clark, Jo; Darlington, John; Fairclough, G. J.Using historic landscape characterisation: English Heritage's review of HLC applications 2002-03English HeritageSwindon, UKBookenHCL, Historic Landscape Characterisation, Method, English Heritage05IHLAM
2005Antrop, MarcWhy landscapes of the past are important for the future. Rural Landscapes: past processes and future strategies 70(1): 21-34Elsevier ScienceOnlineJournal ArticleenLandscape change, Rural, Cultural landscape, Europe06HLS
2005Council of Europe (CoE)Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (Faro Convention) CETS 199s.d.OnlineLegislationenCultural heritage, Society, Common heritage, Europe, Sustainable use03HLR; 03bEuropean
2005Brown, Jessica; Mitchell, Nora; Beresford, MichaelThe protected landscape approach: linking nature, culture and communityIUCN-The World Conservation UnionGland, CHBookenCommunity participation, Cultural heritage, Protected area management, Protected areas, Protected landscapes, World Heritage06HLS
2005Edensor, TimIndustrial Ruins: Space, Aesthetics and MaterialityBerg PublishersOxford, UK; New York, NY, USBookenIndustrial ruins, Experimental spaces, Contemporary city, Order and disorder, Impurity, Margin01IHLT
2005Nesti, AngeloL'archeologia industriale in Italia tra storia dell'architettura e storia economica. Storia economica 1: 247-257Edizioni Scientifiche ItalianeMilano, ITJournal ArticleitIndustrial archeology, Industrial heritage, Economic history, History of architecture, History, Theory01IHLT
2006Antrop, MarcSustainable landscapes: contradiction, fiction or utopia? Landscapes and sustainability 75(3): 187-197Elsevier ScienceOnlineJournal ArticleenLandscape change, Landscape management, Heritage, Sustainability06HLS
2006De Maestri, SaraArch _in: laboratorio archeologia industrialeErga EdizioniGenova, ITBookitTeaching laboratory, Forms, Industrial sites04IHLL
2006Giuliani, LucaUna volta si scriveva così: ferrania. In Buccheri, Vincenzo; Malavasi, Luca (Eds), La materia dei sogni. L'impresa cinematografica in Italia, n.p.Carocci EditoreRoma, ITBook chapteritFerrania, History04IHLL; 04bFerrania
2006Agnoletti, MauroThe conservation of cultural landscapesCABIWallingford, UKBookenSustainable development, Cultural landscape, Landscape resources06HLS
2006Pancaldi, GiulianoWartime chemistry in Italy: industry, the military, and the professors, in Macleod, Roy; Johnson, Jeffrey Allan (Eds), Frontline and Factory: Comparative Perspectives on the Chemical Industry at War, 1914–1924, 61-74SpringerDordrecht, NLBook chapterenSIPE, Ferrania, Chemistry, Wartime04IHLL; 04cMiscellany
2006Dansero, Egidio; Vanolo, AlbertoGeografie dei paesaggi industriali in Italia: riflessioni e casi studio a confrontoFranco AngeliMilano, ITBookitIndustrial landscape, Methods, Case-studies, Politics, Deindustrialisation, Industrialisation, Reuse02IHLP; 02bNational
2006Smith, LaurajaneUses of heritageRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenHeritage value, Community, Value transfer, Authorized heritage, Identity, Memory, Performance, Labour heritage, Case-studies, Material culture, Group identity;06HLS
2006Sassatelli, Monica (Ed)Georg Simmel. Saggi sul paesaggioArmando EditoreRoma, ITBookitLandscape, Landscape perception, Philosophy, Experience06HLS
2006Macleod, Roy; Johnson, Jeffrey Allan (Eds)Frontline and Factory: Comparative Perspectives on the Chemical Industry at War, 1914–1924SpringerDordrecht, NLBookenChemical industry, Wartime, History04IHLL; 04cMiscellany
2007Moore, Niamh; Whelan, Yvonne (Eds)Heritage, memory and the politics of identity: new perspectives on the cultural landscapeAshgate;Aldershot, UK; Burlington, VT, USBookenCollective memory, Memorialization, Landscape, Identity, Cultural landscape: Monuments;06HLS
2007Jones, AndrewMemory and Material CultureCambridge University PressCambridge, UKBookenCollective memory, Material culture, Network, Archeology;06HLS
2007Howard, PhilArchaeological surveying and mapping: recording and depicting the landscapeRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenArcheology, Archeological mapping, Mapping, Fieldwork, Case-studies, GIS, Handbook05IHLAM
2008Loures, L.Post-industrial landscapes as renaissance locus: the case study research method. In The Sustainable City V, 293-302WIT PressSkiathos, GRConference PaperenPerception, Infrastructure, Industrial landscape, Reuse, Heritage, Public awareness, Protection, Landscape reclamation, Design approach, Design principles02IHLP; 02aInternational
2008Vallega, Adalberto; Maniglio Calcagno, Annalisa; Palmisani, AnnalisaIndicatori per il paesaggioFranco AngeliMilano, ITBookitLandscape, Landscape assessment, Indicators, Value, Theory, Criteria, Qualitative analysis05IHLAM
2009Van Eetvelde, Veerle; Antrop, MarcIndicators for assessing changing landscape character of cultural landscapes in Flanders (Belgium). Land Use Policy 26(4): 901-910ElsevierOnlineJournal ArticleenGIS, Heritage landscape, Landscape character, Landscape metrics, Landscape change, Indicators, Spatial data05IHLAM
2009Van Eetvelde, Veerle; Antrop, MarcA stepwise multi-scaled landscape typology and characterisation for trans-regional integration, applied on the federal state of Belgium. Landscape and Urban Planning 91(3): 160-170Elsevier ScienceOnlineJournal ArticleenGIS, Landscape metrics, Landscape characterisation, Cluster analysis, Data05IHLAM
2009Ferraris, MaurizioDocumentalità: perché è necessario lasciar tracceEditori LaterzaRoma, ITBookitPhilosophy, Data, Documentation, Collection06HLS
2009Amato, Cosmin; Marcenaro, Alberto; Testa, FrancescoParco fluviale Città delle BormideAracneRoma, ITBookitBormida Valley, Workshop, Bormida river, Design, University04IHLL; 04aBormidaValley
2010Turner, Sam.; Pietrobono, SabrinaComparing methods in a European context : Historic Landscape Characterisation and new perspectives for research in Italy. Archeologia Postmedievale : società, ambiente, produzione 14: 111-133All'Insegna del Giglio Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze, ITJournal ArticleenHCL, Historic Landscape Characterisation, Post-medieval archeology, Landscape archeology, Landscape05IHLAM
2010Montino, Davide; Marenco, AlessandroTra boschi e ciminiere. La difficile storia dell'industria in Valle Bormida: società, cultura, ambiente. Quaderni savonesi. Studi e ricerche sulla Resistenza e l'Età contemporanea 19: 2-6Istituto Storico della Resistenza e dell'Età Contemporanea della provincia di SavonaSavona, ITJournal ArticleitBormida Valley, Industrialization, Factory, History, Industrial sites04IHLL; 04aBormidaValley
2010Casanelles, EusebiIl patrimonio industriale nel contesto internazionale - Linee guida per la conservazione e la valorizzazione. In Beni culturali e industriali della Liguria conoscenza e valorizzazione: atti del convegno, AIPAI, Facoltà di ingegneria, 19-20 ottobre 2006 : sviluppi e iniziative, 23-32Erga EdizioniGenova, ITConference PaperesIndustrial revolution, TICCIH, Association, Industrial heritage01IHLT
2010Smith, PaulLe "buone pratiche" nella riconversione del patrimonio industriale in Europa. In Beni culturali e industriali della Liguria conoscenza e valorizzazione: atti del convegno, AIPAI, Facoltà di ingegneria, 19-20 ottobre 2006 : sviluppi e iniziative, 33-46Erga EdizioniGenova, ITConference PaperfrIndustrial heritage, Reuse02IHLP; 02aInternational
2010Mannoni, TizianoLe manifatture protoindustriali. In Beni culturali e industriali della Liguria conoscenza e valorizzazione: atti del convegno, AIPAI, Facoltà di ingegneria, 19-20 ottobre 2006 : sviluppi e iniziative, 47-53Erga EdizioniGenova, ITConference PaperitProtoindustry, Archeology, Etnoarcheology, Analysis01IHLT
2010De Maestri, SaraIl patrimonio industriale della Liguria tra degrado e valorizzazione. In Beni culturali e industriali della Liguria conoscenza e valorizzazione: atti del convegno, AIPAI, Facoltà di ingegneria, 19-20 ottobre 2006 : sviluppi e iniziative, 64-79Erga EdizioniGenova, ITConference PaperitAbandonment, Industrial development, Liguria, Factory, Requalification, Design lab01IHLT
2010Rollandi, Maria StellaUn caso di archeologia del patrimonio industriale: il silos granario del porto di Genova. In Beni culturali e industriali della Liguria conoscenza e valorizzazione: atti del convegno, AIPAI, Facoltà di ingegneria, 19-20 ottobre 2006 : sviluppi e iniziative, 109-119Erga EdizioniGenova, ITConference PaperitIndustrial archeology, Hennebique system, Silos, Economic history02IHLP; 02bNational
2010Tolaini, RobertoUno sguardo sulla siderurgia ligure nel lungo periodo. Tecniche, insediamenti, uomini. In Beni culturali e industriali della Liguria conoscenza e valorizzazione: atti del convegno, AIPAI, Facoltà di ingegneria, 19-20 ottobre 2006 : sviluppi e iniziative, 128-145Erga EdizioniGenova, ITConference PaperitIndustrial development, Steel industry, Liguria04IHLL; 04cMiscellany
2010Pittamiglio, FabioAree industriali dismesse, trasformazioni urbane e sociali. In Beni culturali e industriali della Liguria conoscenza e valorizzazione: atti del convegno, AIPAI, Facoltà di ingegneria, 19-20 ottobre 2006 : sviluppi e iniziative, 153-163Erga EdizioniGenova, ITConference PaperitUrban sociology, Abandonment, Perception, People01IHLT
2010Russo, TullioL'esperienza di Area24 nel progetto di riuso della ferrovia nel Ponente ligure. In Beni culturali e industriali della Liguria conoscenza e valorizzazione: atti del convegno, AIPAI, Facoltà di ingegneria, 19-20 ottobre 2006 : sviluppi e iniziative, 175-180Erga EdizioniGenova, ITConference PaperitRailway, Requalification, Reuse, Coast02IHLP; 02bNational
2011Pagano, TullioReclaiming Landscape. Annali d'Italianistica 29: 401-416Elon UniversityElon, NC, USJournal ArticleenLandscape, Landscape concept, Theory, Definition06HLS
2011Balzaretti, RossVictorian Travellers, Apennine Landscapes and the Development of Cultural Heritage in Eastern Liguria, c. 1875-1914. History 96(324): 436-458WileyHoboken, NJ, USJournal ArticleenTravel writing, Landscape history, Historical ecology, Nature06HLS
2011Manzini, AlbertoL'industrialisation d'une vallée des apennins: les company towns de la Val Bormida (Ligurie, Italie). Laurea magistrale in Scienze Storiche (supervisor Prof. Giovanni Luigi Fontana), Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Scienze storiche, geografiche e dell'antichitàUniversità degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Scienze storiche, geografiche e dell'antichitàPadova, ITThesisfrChemical industry, Coal, Cableway, Modernization, Industrial development, Company towns, Social history, Economic boom04IHLL; 04aBormidaValley; 04bFerrania
2011International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS); The International Commitee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH)The Dublin Principles ICOMOS XVII Assemblée Générale, Paris 2011s.d.OnlineDocumentenIndustrial heritage, Intangible aspect, Interdisciplinary approach, Policies, Conservation03HLR; 03aInternational
2011De Maestri Merello, Sara; Tolaini, RobertoStorie e itinerari dell'industria ligureDe Ferrari EditoreGenova, ITBookitCensus, Liguria, Industrial sites, Conservation state, History, Economy, Reuse04IHLL; 04cMiscellany
2011Ingold, TimThe perception of the environment: essays on livelihood, dwelling and skillRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenSocial anthropology, Ecological psycology, Phenomenology, Environment, Culture, Perception, Landscape06HLS
2011Bignante, ElisaGeografia e ricerca visuale: strumenti e metodiEditori LaterzaRoma, ITBookitGeography, Social sciences, Images, Visual, Photos, Research06HLS
2011Tuan, Yi-FuSpace and place: the perspective of experienceUniversity of Minnesota PressMinneapolis, MN, USBookenSpace, Place, Human geography, Culture06HLS
2011Musso, Stefano Francesco""Cum-servare/Trans-formare"". Ideas, concepts, actions and contradictions. In Kealy, Loughlin; Musso, Stefano Francesco (Eds), Conservation/Transformation (2nd Workshop on Conservation, organized by the Conservation Network of the European Association for Architectural Education in 2009 in Ireland), 31-37EAAELeuven, BEBook chapterenWorkshop, Conservation, Transformation06HLS
2011De Marco, Luisa"Sustainable conservation': the inclusion of the future in the horizons of restored architectural heritage. In Kealy, Loughlin; Musso, Stefano Francesco (Eds), Conservation/Transformation (2nd Workshop on Conservation, organized by the Conservation Network of the European Association for Architectural Education in 2009 in Ireland), 181-188EAAELeuven, BEBook chapterenWorkshop, Conservation, Transformation06HLS
2011Franco, Giovanna"Designing the future of non-monumental Heritage. In Kealy, Loughlin; Musso, Stefano Francesco (Eds), Conservation/Transformation (2nd Workshop on Conservation, organized by the Conservation Network of the European Association for Architectural Education in 2009 in Ireland), 265-276"EAAELeuven, BEBook chapterenWorkshop, Conservation, Transformation06HLS
2012Janowski, Monica; Ingold, Tim (Eds)Imagining landscape: past, present and futureAshgateFarnham, Surrey, UK; Burlington, VT, USBookenImagination, Perception, Heritage, Anthropology06HLS
2016The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH)Industrial heritage re-tooled: the TICCIH guide to industrial heritage conservationRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenIndustrial heritage, Perception, Universal heritage, Urban regeneration, Values, Meanings, Industrial landscape, Conservation plan, Industrial ruin, Industrial museums, TICCIH01IHLT; 03HLR; 03aInternational
2012Bandarin, Francesco; Van Oers, RonThe Historic Urban Landscape: Managing Heritage in an Urban CenturyWileyHoboken, NJ, USBookenCase-studies, Management, Urban landscape, Urban conservation, Historic city, Heritage, Conservation policies, City, Urban strategy06HLS
2012Samuel, RaphaelTheatres of memory: past and present in contemporary cultureVerso BooksLondon, UK; New York, USBookenMemory, Past, Heritage, History06HLS
2021Musso, Stefano FrancescoConstructing/Conserving/Destroying. In Crisan, Rodica Manon; Fiorani, Donatella; Franco, Giovanna; Kealy, Loughlin; Musso, Stefano Francesco; Vorlik, Petr (Eds), Conservation/Demolition (7th Workshop on Conservation, organized by the Conservation Network of the European Association for Architectural Education in 2019 in Prague), 26-41EAAEPrague, CZBook chapterenConservation, Demolition, Workshop06HLS
2021Franco, GiovannaNecessity and legitimacy of demolitions as strategy for conservation. Reflections on twentieth and twenty-first century heritage. In Crisan, Rodica Manon; Fiorani, Donatella; Franco, Giovanna; Kealy, Loughlin; Musso, Stefano Francesco; Vorlik, Petr (Eds), Conservation/Demolition (7th Workshop on Conservation, organized by the Conservation Network of the European Association for Architectural Education in 2019 in Prague), 358-369EAAEPrague, CZBook chapterenConservation, Demolition, Workshop06HLS
2013Torre, MartaValues and Heritage Conservation. Heritage & Society 6: 155-166Routledge, Taylor & Francis GroupOnlineJournal ArticleesConservation principles, Cultural value, Heritage, Conservation, Preservation06HLS
2013Sattler, JuliaDetroit and the Ruhr: Two Post-industrial Landscapes. New Global Studies 7(3): n.p.De GruyterBerlin, DEJournal ArticleenDeindustrialisation, Culture, Creative class, Post-production, Ruhr, Detroit, urbanisation02IHLP; 02aInternational
2013Cassatella, Claudia; Guerreschi, PaolaAnalisi di visibilità per la tutela e la pianificazione del paesaggio. Sperimentazione sul caso studio di Torino. In Atti 17 Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, 403-410ASITAMilano, ITConference PaperitLandscape, Visual analysis, GIS, Planning, Case-studies05IHLAM
2013Landscape Institute and Institute of Environmental Management & AssessmentGuidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact AssessmentRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenLVIA, Landscape assessment, Visual assessment, Guidelines05IHLAM
2013Waterton, EmmaLandscape and non-representational theories, in Howard, Peter; Thompson, Ian H.; Waterton, Emma; Atha, Mick (Eds), The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies, 66-75Routledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBook chapterenNon-representational theory, Landscaping, Landscape06HLS
2013Ward Thompson, CatharineLandscape perception and environmental psychology, in Howard, Peter; Thompson, Ian H.; Waterton, Emma; Atha, Mick (Eds), The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies, 25-42Routledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBook chapterenLandscape perception, Aesthetic response, Senses06HLS
2013Palandri, LucianoAppunti per una storia di Ferranias.d.s.d.BookitHistory, SIPE, Ferrania, FILM Ferrania, Photos, Families04IHLL; 04bFerrania
2013Tilley, Christopher Y.; Keane, Webb; Küchler, Susanne; Rowlands, Michael; Spyer, Patricia (Eds)Handbook of material cultureSage PublicationsLondon, UK; Los Angeles, CA, USBookenHandbook, Material culture, Relations, Process, Performance06HLS
2013Ingold, TimMaking: anthropology, archaeology, art and architectureRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenMaterial culture, Anthropology, Architecture, Design, Art06HLS
2013Woodward, IanUnderstanding material cultureSage PublicationsLos Angeles, CA, USBookenMaterial culture, Social relations, Identity, Materiality, Material world06HLS
2013Brandon, P. S.; Lombardi, P. L.; Bentivegna, V.Evaluation of the built environment for sustainabilityCRC Press, Taylor & Francis GroupLondon, UKBookenSustainability, Sustainable development, Urban development, City model, Policies, Evaluation06HLS
2014Manzini, AlbertoArchitettura industriale in valle Bormida: la SIPE e l’architetto Cesare Mazzocchi. Patrimonio Industriale. Rivista AIPAI VII-VIII (12-13): 88-93Centro Ricerche Ambiente Cultura Economia (CRACE)Città di Castello, ITJournal ArticleitBormida Valley, SIPE, Cesare Mazzocchi, Industrial heritage, Powerplant04IHLL; 04bFerrania
2014Tudor, Christine; Natural EnglandAn Approach to Landscape Character AssessmentNatural Englands.d.DocumentenDesk study, Field study, Landscape Character Assessment, Process, Aesthetic, Perceptual, Experiential Factors, Partecipation05IHLAM
2014International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)The Florence Declaration on Heritage and Landscape as Human Values (2014)s.d.OnlineDocumentenHeritage, Landscape, Community, Sustainability03HLR; 03aInternational
2014Flick, Uwe (Ed)The SAGE handbook of qualitative data analysisSage PublicationsLos Angeles, CA, USBookenQualitative research, Ethnographic fieldwork, Data analysis, Handbook06HLS
2014Storm, AnnaPost-industrial landscape scarsPalgrave MacmillanNew York, NY, USBookenIndustrial archeology, Industries, Environmental aspects, Memory work, Metaphor, Industrial heritage02IHLP; 02aInternational; 01IHLT
2015Presenza, Angelo; Perfetto, Maria ConcettaIndustrial Heritage Management (IHM). Inquadramento di un campo di studio emergente attraverso la revisione della letteratura. Il capitale culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage 11: 313-336Università degli Studi di MacerataMacerata, ITJournal ArticleitIndustrial heritage, Industrial heritage management, Literary review01IHLT
2015Fuchs, Richard; Verburg, Peter H.; Clevers, Jan G.P.W.; Herold, MartinThe potential of old maps and encyclopaedias for reconstructing historic European land cover/use change. Applied Geography 59: 43-55Elsevier ScienceOnlineJournal ArticleenHistoric land cover, Historic land use, Historic statistics, Historical maps, Historical ecology05IHLAM
2015Vecchiattini, RitaIndustrial Heritage: un tema complesso nella Liguria del XXI secolo. Progetto Sostenibile 36-37: 120-125EdicomEdizioniMonfalcone, ITJournal Articleit; enIndustrial heritage, Industrial archeology, Liguria04IHLL; 04cMiscellany
2015Romeo, Emanuele; Morezzi, Emanuele; Rudiero, RiccardoIndustrial Heritage: Reflections on the Use Compatibility of Cultural Sustainability and Energy Efficiency. Energy Procedia 78: 1305-1310ElsevierOnlineJournal ArticleenIndustrial heritage, Conservation, Cultural sustainability, Sustainability, Energy standard, Compatibility, Case-studies, Energy sustainability, Memory02IHLP; 02aInternational
2015Cassatella, ClaudiaBellezze panoramiche '22-'22. Innovare le norme di tutela. In Atti della XVIII Conferenza Nazionale SIU - Società Italiana degli Urbanisti '45-'45. Radici, condizioni, prospettive, 1410-1417Planum PublisherRoma-Milano, ITConference PaperitLandscape, Conservation, Preservation, Tools, Perception, Beauty06HLS
2015Orange, Hilary (Ed)Reanimating industrial spaces: conducting memory work in post-industrial societiesRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenMemory work, Archaelogy, Industrial spaces, Urban exploration, Industrial silence, Collective memory, Digital heritage, Social history01IHLT; 02IHLP; 02aInternational
2015Hudson, KennethIndustrial archaeology: an introductionRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenIndustrial archeology, Industrial revolution, Materials, Official recognition01IHLT
2015Kolen, Jan; Renes, Johannes; Hermans, Rita (Eds)Landscape biographies: geographical, historical and archaeological perspectives on the production and transmission of landscapesAmsterdam University PressAmsterdam, NLBookenCultural landscape, Geographical perception, Human geography, Biotopes, Landscape biography, Temporal dimension06HLS
2015van Veldhoven, FelixPost-Industrial Coal-Mining Landscapes and the Evolution of Mining Memory, in Kolen, Jan; Renes, J.; Hermans, Rita (Eds), Landscape biographies: geographical, historical and archaeological perspectives on the production and transmission of landscapes, 327-343Amsterdam University PressAmsterdam, NLBook chapterenEvolution of memory, Mining heritage, Remembering, Forgetting, The Netherlands, Belgium02IHLP; 02aInternational
2015Lowenthal, DavidThe Past is a Foreign Country – RevisitedCambridge University PressCambridge, UKBookenPast, Memory, History, Preservation, Nostalgia, Heritage, Identity06HLS
2015Sooväli-Sepping, Helen; Reinert, Hugo; Miles-Watson, Jonathan (Eds)Ruptured Landscapes: Landscape, Identity and Social ChangeSpringerDordrecht, NEBookenRupture, Landscape, Anthropology, Geography, History, Case-studies, Changes, Cultural heritage06HLS
2015Turner, Monica G.; Gardner, Robert H.Landscape Ecology in Theory and Practice: Pattern and ProcessSpringerNew York, NY, USBookenLandscape ecology, Landscape pattern, Models, Spatial statistics, Ecosystem, Landscape indicators, Climate change, Landscape scenarios06HLS
2015Bond, Stephen; Worthing, DerekManaging built heritage: the role of cultural values and significanceWileyHoboken, NJ, USBookenManagement, Built heritage, Values-led decision making, Assessment, Value, Management strategy05IHLAM
2015Stewart, Pamela J.; Strathern, Andrew (Eds)Landscape, Memory and History: Anthropological PerspectivesPluto PressLondon, UKBookenPerception, Landscape, Anthropology, Place, Space, Identity, History, Memory, Case-studies06HLS
2015Prizeman, Oriel (Ed)Sustainable building conservation: theory and practice of responsive design in the heritage environmentRiba PublishingNewcastle upon Tyne, UKBookenRetrofitting, Heritage, Integrated approach, Sustainability, Heritage, Case-studies, Climate change06HLS
2015Albert, Marie-Theres (Ed)Perceptions of Sustainability in Heritage StudiesDe GruyterBerlin, DEBookenSustainability, Heritage, Sustainable development, Anthropocene, Urban Heritage06HLS
2016Nicu, Ionut CristiCultural heritage assessment and vulnerability using Analytic Hierarchy Process and Geographic Information Systems (Valea Oii catchment, North-eastern Romania). An approach to historical maps.ElsevierOnlineJournal ArticleenAnalytic Hierarchy Process, AHP, Cultural heritage, GIS, Vulnerability index05IHLAM
2016Fairclough, GrahamEssentially Cultural: Perspectives on Landscape from Europe.Landscape JournalMadison, WI, USJournal ArticleenCultural landscape, Historic landscape characterization, Cultural sustainability06HLS
2016Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo, Segretariato Regionale per la LiguriaDecreto di Vincolo Architettonico ai sensi dell'art. 10 comma 3 lettera a) del D. Lgs. 22/01/2004 n. 42s.d.s.d.LegislationitList, Cultural heritage, Italy, Ministry03HLR; 03cNational
2016Migliaccio, Federica; Carrion, DanielaSistemi informativi territoriali: principi e applicazioniUtetTorino, ITBookitGIS, Management, Data, Maps, Decision making process, Support, Geodata05IHLAM
2016Abrams, LynnOral History TheoryRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenOral history, Linguistic, Psychoanalysis, Memory06HLS
2017Allain, Sandrine; Plumecocq, Gaël; Leenhardt, DelphineHow Do Multi-criteria Assessments Address Landscape-level Problems? A Review of Studies and Practices. Ecological Economics 136: 282-295ElsevierOnlineJournal ArticleenMulti-criteria assessment, Landscape, Literature review, Lexicometric analysis, Partecipation05IHLAM
2017Muehlebach, AndreaThe Body of Solidarity: Heritage, Memory, and Materiality in Post-Industrial Italy. Comparative Studies in Society and History 59(1): 96-126Cambridge University PressCambridge, UKJournal ArticleenIndustrial heritage, Industrial landscape, Sesto San Giovanni, Italy, UNESCO, Case study02IHLP; 02bNational
2017Piñero, Ignacio; San-José, José T.; Rodríguez, Patricia; Losáñez, Milagros M.Multi-criteria decision-making for grading the rehabilitation of heritage sites. Application in the historic center of La Habana. Journal of Cultural Heritage 26: 144-152Elsevier Masson SASIssy le Moulineaux, FRJournal ArticleenMulti-criteria decision making, Methodology, Historic city centre, Rehabilitation, Management, MIVES methodology, Rehabilitation program05IHLAM
2017Dupont, Lien; Ooms, Kristien; Antrop, Marc; Van Eetvelde, VeerleTesting the validity of a saliency-based method for visual assessment of constructions in the landscape. Landscape and Urban Planning 167: 325-338ElsevierOnlineJournal ArticleenLandscape planning and design, Photographic simulations, Photo-questionnaire, Rural landscapes, Saliency maps, Objective visual assessment05IHLAM
2017Arnold, John D. M.; Lafreniere, DonaldThe persistence of time: Vernacular preservation of the postindustrial landscape. Change Over Time: An International Journal of Conservation and the Built Environment 7(1): 114-133University of Pennslylvania PressPennsylvania, USJournal ArticleenPostindustrial landscape, Preservation, Vernacular preservation, Abandonment, Landscape01IHLT
2017Langhorst, Joern; Bolton, KateReframing the postindustrial: Landscapes of extraction between reclamation and reinvention. Change Over Time: An International Journal of Conservation and the Built Environment 7(1): 158-182University of Pennslylvania PressPennsylvania, USJournal ArticleenPostindustrial, Postmining landscapes, Reclamation, Preservation, Values01IHLT
2017ICOMOS International Scientific Committee of Twentieth Century Heritage, ISC20CApproaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid - New Delhi Document 2017s.d.s.d.DocumentenTwentieth century, Cultural heritage, Conservation, Approach03HLR; 03aInternational
2017Antrop, Marc; Van Eetvelde, VeerleLandscape Perspectives. The Holistic Nature of LandscapeSpringerDordrecht, NLBookenHolistic nature, Perspectives06HLS
2017Preite, MassimoPaesaggi industriali e patrimonio UnescoEffigiArcidosso, ITBookitIndustrial heritage, Industrial landscape, UNESCO, Cultural heritage, Reuse01IHLT
2017Magnaghi, AlbertoIl progetto locale: Verso la coscienza di luogoBollati BoringhieriTorino, ITBookitPublic space, Common good, Community, Care, Place06HLS
2017Aime, MarcoIl primo libro di antropologiaEinaudiTorino, ITBookitAnthropology, Handbook06HLS
2017Settis, SalvatoreArchitettura e democrazia: paesaggio, città, diritti civiliGiulio Einaudi editoreTorino, ITBookitLandscape, Politics, Ethic, Aesthetic, City, Urban development06HLS
2017Albert, Marie-Theres; Bandarin, Francesco; Pereira Roders, Ana (Eds)Going beyond: perceptions of sustainability in heritage studies no. 2SpringerCham, CHBookenSustainable protection, Sustainable use, Cultural heritage, Natural heritage, World Heritage Convention, Sustainable heritage protection06HLS
2017Jullien, FrançoisVivere di paesaggio o l'impensato della ragioneMimesisMilano, ITBookitLandscape, Landscape perception, China, Aesthetic, Network06HLS
2018Liu, Fuying; Zhao, Qi; Yang, YulanAn approach to assess the value of industrial heritage based on Dempster–Shafer theory. Journal of Cultural Heritage 32: 210-220Elsevier Masson SASIssy le Moulineaux, FRJournal ArticleenAnalytic hierarchy process, AHP, Dempster–Shafer theory, D-S theory, Classification, Industrial heritage, Assessment, Evalutation, Value05IHLAM
2018Griffiths, GeoffreyTransferring Landscape Character Assessment from the UK to the Eastern Mediterranean: Challenges and Perspectives. Land 7(36): n.p.MDPIBasel, CHJournal ArticleenLandscape character assessment, Multi-functional landscapes, Planning, UK, Cyprus05IHLAM
2018Mina, GabrieleIl secolo chimico di Ferrania. Atti e Memorie della Società Savonese di Storia Patria LIV, 107-110Società Savonese di Storia PatriaSavona, ITConference PaperitFerrania04IHLL; 04bFerrania
2018Canepa, MartinaFerrania città aperta. Laurea magistrale in Architettura (supervisors Prof. Patrizia Burlando, Prof. Luca Mazzari), Università degli Studi di Genova, Dipartimento di Architettura e DesignUniversità degli Studi di Genova, Dipartimento di Architettura e DesignGenova, ITThesisitIndustrial decommissioning, Law, Morphology, Case studies04IHLL; 04bFerrania
2018Arnold, John David McEwen; Lafreniere, DonCreating a longitudinal, data-driven 3D model of change over time in a postindustrial landscape using GIS and CityEngine. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development 8(4): 434-447Emerald PublishingBingley, UKJournal ArticleenPostindustrial landscape, Model of change, Heritage management, CityEngine, Data, Digital landscape, Digital heritage, GIS, Historical GIS05IHLAM
2018Teixeira, SamanthaQualitative Geographic Information Systems (GIS): An untapped research approach for social work. Qualitative Social Work 17(1): 9-23Sage PublicationsOnlineJournal ArticleenGIS, Research, Partecipatory work, Community05IHLAM
2018The Swedish Transport AdministrationLandscape As An Arena. Integrated Landscape Character Assessment - Method Descriptions.d.s.d.DocumentenStrategic planning, Integrated Landscape Character Assessment, Infrastructure05IHLAM
2018Council of the European UnionCouncil conclusions on the Work Plan for Culture 2019-2022 (2018/C 460/10) in Official Journal of the European Union, C 460/12s.d.OnlineDocumentenWork Plan, Culture, Social development, Governance03HLR; 03bEuropean
2018Gentili, SandroLe Bormide e la fabbrica. Investimenti e relazioni economiche internazionali (secoli XIX e XX)CATESCairo Montenotte, ITBookitValle Bormida, Industrilisation, Deindustrialisation, History, Protoindustry, Development, Factory04IHLL; 04aBormidaValley
2018Flick, UweThe SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data CollectionSage PublicationsLondon, UKBookenQualitative data, Data analysis, Collection, Handbook, Digital data, Methods06HLS
2018Lagrange, Evelyne; Oeter, Stefan; Uerpmann-Wittzack, Robert (Eds)Cultural Heritage and International LawSpringerCham, CHBookenInternational cultural heritage, Protection, Tangible, Intangible, Cultural identity03HLR; 03eMiscellany
2019Modica, MarcelloAree industriali dismesse nelle Alpi. Una prima panoramica quantitativa e potenziali implicazioni per lo sviluppo regionale. Revue de géographie alpine 107-1: n.p.UGA EditionsSaint-Martin-d'Hères, FRJournal ArticleitIndustrial landscape, Alps, Mountain area, Brownfield, Case-studies02IHLP; 02aInternational
2019Claver, Juan; García-Domínguez, Amabel; Sevilla, Lorenzo; Sebastián, Miguel A.A Multi-Criteria Cataloging of the Immovable Items of Industrial Heritage of Andalusia. Applied Sciences 9(275): n.p.MDPIBasel, CHJournal ArticleenMulti-criteria, Catalogue, Industrial heritage, Methodology05IHLAM
2019Vardopoulos, IoannisCritical sustainable development factors in the adaptive reuse of urban industrial buildings. A fuzzy DEMATEL approach. Sustainable Cities and Society 50: n.p.ElsevierOnlineJournal ArticleenFuzzy-DEMATEL analysis, Adaptive reuse, Industrial building, Urban sustainable development05IHLAM
2019Oevermann, HeikeGood practice for industrial heritage sites: systematization, indicators, and case. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development 10(2): 157-171Emerald PublishingBingley, UKJournal ArticleenUNESCO industrial heritage sites, Good Practice Wheel, Heritage management, Sustainable urban development, Integrated conservation, Communities, Holistic approach02IHLP; 02aInternational; 05IHLAM
2019International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)The Future of Our Pasts: Engaging cultural heritage in climate actionICOMOSOnlineDocumentenClimate change, Case-studies03HLR; 03eMiscellany
2019Howard, Peter; Thompson, Ian H.; Waterton, Emma; Atha, Mick (Eds)The Routledge Companion to Landscape StudiesRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenLandscape, Heritage, Multidisciplinarity, Landscape perception, Landscape semiotics, Historic landscapes, Representation, Memory landscape06HLS
2019Vannini, PhillipDoing public ethnography: how to create and disseminate ethnographic and qualitative research to wide audiencesRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenPublic ethnography, Qualitative research, Accessible media, Broader audience06HLS; 05IHLAM
2019Kuckartz, Udo; Rädiker, StefanAnalyzing Qualitative Data with MAXQDA: Text, Audio, and VideoSpringerCham, CHBookenQualitative data, MAXQDA, Video data, Audio data, Text, Group data, Infographic06HLS
2019Pauwels, Luc; Mannay, DawnThe SAGE handbook of visual research methodsSage PublicationsLondon, UKBookenHandbook, Visual, Methods, Analysis, Images, Digital technologies, Visual research, Visual data, Spatial data, Multisensorial research05IHLAM
2019Pereira Roders, Ana; Bandarin, Francesco (Eds)Reshaping Urban Conservation: The Historic Urban Landscape Approach in ActionSpringer NatureSingapore, SGBookenHistoric Urban Landscape, HUL approach, Heritage management, Sustainable urban development, Case-studies, Urban heritage, Conservation05IHLAM
2020Obeidat, Bushra; Miqdady, HamzehPreserving the traditional watermills in Wadi Orjan Jordan using an analytic hierarchy process. Scientific Culture 7(1): 21-30Ioannis Liritzis & Founder 2015Greece, GRJournal ArticleenAnalytical hierarchy process (AHP), Expert Choice software, Qualtrics survey platform, Conservation, Decision-making, Industrial Heritage, Preservation, Sustainable development, Watermills05IHLAM
2020Mieg, Harald A.; Oevermann, Heike; Noll, Hans-PeterConserve and Innovate Simultaneously?: Good Management of European UNESCO Industrial World Heritage Sites in the Context of Urban and Regional Planning. disP - The Planning Review 56(3): 20-33Taylor&FrancisOnlineJournal ArticleenUNESCO industrial heritage sites, Conservation, Online survey01IHLT
2020Milošević, Dušan M.; Milošević, Mimica R.; Simjanović, Dušan J.Implementation of Adjusted Fuzzy AHP Method in the Assessment for Reuse of Industrial Buildings. Mathematics 8(10): n.p.MDPIBasel, CHJournal ArticleenFuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP), Serbia, Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM)05IHLAM
2020Reher, Guillermo S.What is value? Impact assessment of cultural heritage. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development 10(4): 429-436Emerald PublishingBingley, UKJournal ArticleenSocial value, Heritage impact assessment05IHLAM
2020Sezer, ElifHistorical assets analysis in heritage sites for cultural landscapes management. Case studies of Aristocratic Estates from Italy, France and Spain. Planning fo the Global Urban Agenda - Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning (supervisors Prof. Mauro Volpiano, Prof. Claudia Cassatella), Politecnico di Torino, Planning and DesignPolitecnico di Torino, Planning for the Global Urban Agenda - Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape PlanningTorino, ITThesisenHeritage landscape, Planning practice, Heritage landscape assessment practice06HLS
2020Grava, Massimiliano; Berti, Camillo; Gabellieri, NicolaHistorical GIS: strumenti digitali per la geografia storica in ItaliaEdizioni Università Trieste (EUT)Trieste, ITBookitGIS, Historical GIS, Interdisciplinary research, Geodatabase, History of rural landscape, Urban history, Toponomastic, Idrography, Public geography05IHLAM; 06HLS
2020Rubenstein, James M.The cultural landscape: an introduction to human geographyPearsonHoboken, NJ, USBookenGeography, Relationships, People, Human geography, Maps, Cultural landscape, Climate change, Migration06HLS
2020Harrison, Rodney; DeSilvey, Caitlin; Holtorf, Cornelius; Macdonald, Sharon; Bartolini, Nadia; Breithoff, Esther; Fredheim, Harald; Lyons, Antony; May, Sarah; Morgan, Jennie; Penrose, SefrynHeritage FuturesUCL PressLondon, UKBookenHeritage practices, Ethnographic method, Visual method, Values, Innovation, Resilience, Sustainability06HLS
2020Harrison, Rodney; Sterling, Colin (Eds)Deterritorializing the future: heritage in, of and after the AnthropoceneOpen Humanities PressLondon, UKBookenPosthumanism, Critical heritage, Anthropocene, Deterritorialization06HLS
2020Gritti, Andrea; Fontana, Giovanni Luigi (Eds)Architecture at work: towns and landscapes of industrial heritageFormaFirenze, ITBookenCase studies, Industrial sites, Classification, UNESCO criteria02IHLP; 02aInternational
2020Fairclough, Graham; Sarlöv Herlin, Ingrid; Swanwick, Carys (Eds)Routledge Handbook of Landscape Character Assessment. Current Approaches to Characterisation and AssessmentRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenLCA, Landscape Character Assessment, Landscape, Perception, Historic Landscape Characterisation, HLC, Method06HLS
2020Auclair, Elizabeth; Fairclough, Graham J. (Eds)Theory and practice in heritage and sustainability: between past and futureRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenCultural sustainability, Heritage, Community, Collective memory, Cultural value06HLS
2020Vrdoljak, Ana Filipa; Francioni, Francesco (Eds)The Oxford handbook of international cultural heritage lawOxford University PressNew York, NY, USBookenHandbook, Legal framework, Protection, Cultural heritage, International, Law03HLR; 03eMiscellany
2020Lucas, RayAnthropology for architects: social relations and the built environmentBloomsbury Visual ArtsLondon, UKBookenAnthropology, Architecture, Social relation06HLS
2020Della Torre, Stefano; Cattaneo, Sara; Lenzi, Camilla; Zanelli, Alessandra (Eds)Regeneration of the Built Environment from a Circular Economy PerspectiveSpringerCham, CHBookenSustainability, Circular economy strategies, Regeneration, Development, Resilience, Circularity, Built environment06HLS
2021Musso, Stefano FrancescoConstructing/Conserving/Destroying. In Crisan, Rodica Manon; Fiorani, Donatella; Franco, Giovanna; Kealy, Loughlin; Musso, Stefano Francesco; Vorlik, Petr (Eds), Conservation/Demolition (7th Workshop on Conservation, organized by the Conservation Network of the European Association for Architectural Education in 2019 in Prague), 26-41EAAEPrague, CZBook chapterenConservation, Demolition, Workshop06HLS
2021Franco, GiovannaNecessity and legitimacy of demolitions as strategy for conservation. Reflections on twentieth and twenty-first century heritage. In Crisan, Rodica Manon; Fiorani, Donatella; Franco, Giovanna; Kealy, Loughlin; Musso, Stefano Francesco; Vorlik, Petr (Eds), Conservation/Demolition (7th Workshop on Conservation, organized by the Conservation Network of the European Association for Architectural Education in 2019 in Prague), 358-369EAAEPrague, CZBook chapterenConservation, Demolition, Workshop06HLS
2021Terkenli, Theano S.; Gkoltsiou, Aikaterini; Kavroudakis, DimitrisThe Interplay of Objectivity and Subjectivity in Landscape Character Assessment: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches and Challenges. Land 10(1): n.p.MDPIBasel, CHJournal ArticleenObjective vs subjective, Quantitative vs qualitative, Landscape Character Assessment, Meta-analysis, Critical assessment05IHLAM
2021Pretto, AlbertinaDifferent Landscape Perceptions of the Same Territorial Area: A Research Study in Italy. Space and Culture 24(1): 144-156Sage PublicationsOnlineJournal ArticleenSurvey, Interview, Landscape Significance, Perception05IHLAM; 06HLS
2021Medeiros, Ana; Fernandes, Cláudia; Gonçalves, João F.; Farinha-Marques, PauloResearch trends on integrative landscape assessment using indicators – A systematic review. Ecological Indicators 129: n.p.ElsevierOnlineJournal ArticleenLandscape assessment, Landscape indicators, Landscape approach, Indicator integration, Interdisciplinarity05IHLAM
2021Claver, Juan; García-Domínguez, Amabel; Sebastián, Miguel A.Collaborative Cataloging of Spanish Industrial Heritage Assets through Teaching in Project Management Subjects. Sustainability 13(19): n.p.MDPIBasel, CHJournal ArticleenCollaborative cataloging, Open web map, Teaching05IHLAM
2021Opher, Tamar; Duhamel, Mel; Posen, I. Daniel; Panesar, Daman K.; Brugmann, Rashad; Roy, Adrien; Zizzo, Ryan; Sequeira, Larissa; Anvari, Alireza; MacLean, Heather L.Life cycle GHG assessment of a building restoration: Case study of a heritage industrial building in Toronto, Canada. Journal of Cleaner Production 279: n.p.ElsevierOnlineJournal ArticleenLife cycle assessment, LCA, Impact assessment, Net zero carbon, Refurbishment, Sensitivity analysis, Data collection, Embodied carbon02IHLP; 02aInternational
2021Zhang, Pan; Xiang, Mingming; Zhang, Tao; Yao, YujieStudy on Comprehensive Value of Industrial Heritage in Yuejin Road Historic District Based on GIS Technology. Open Journal of Social Sciences 9(5): 440-454Scientific Research PublishingOnlineJournal ArticleenValue feature quantification, Data spatialization, Management, Building value evaluation, Industrial heritage, 8 first-level indicators, Analytic hierarchy, Evaluation map, GIS05IHLAM
2021Pardo Redondo, Gabriel; Franco, Giovanna; Georgiou, Antroula; Ioannou, Ioannis; Lubelli, Barbara; Musso, Stefano F.; Naldini, Silvia; Nunes, Cristiana; Vecchiattini, RitaState of Conservation of Concrete Heritage Buildings: A European Screening. Infrastructures 6(109): n.p.MDPIBasel, CHJournal ArticleenHistoric concrete building, Concrete, Concrete technology, Case-studies, Conservation state, Damages, Assessment, Damage processes, Decay pattern01IHLT
2021Giusto, LidiaL’archivio fotografico del Ferrania Film Museum. Master di I livello Area Scienze Sociali e Umanistiche "Archivi fotografici: digitalizzazione, catalogazione, valorizzazione", Università degli Studi di TriesteUniversità degli Studi di TriesteTrieste, ITThesisitArchive, Photos, Internship, Thesis, History04IHLL; 04bFerrania
2021Labadi, Sophia; Giliberto, Francesca; Rosetti, Ilaria; Shetabi, Linda; Yildirim, EgeHeritage and the sustainable development goals: policy guidance for heritage and development actorsICOMOSOnlineDocumentenSustainable development, Policy guidance, Case-studies, SDGs, 2030 Agenda03HLR; 03eMiscellany
2021Potts, AndrewEuropean Cultural Heritage Green PaperEuropa Nostra, ICOMOSThe Hague & Brussels, NL, BEDocumentenHeritage, Green Paper03HLR; 03bEuropean
2021International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)The Cadiz Document. InnovaConcrete Guidelines for the Conservation of Concrete Heritages.d.OnlineDocumentenConcrete, Maintenance, Repair, Guidelines, Concrete heritage03HLR; 03aInternational
2021Rhodes, Mark Alan; Price, William R.; Walker, AmyGeographies of Post-Industrial Place, Memory, and HeritageRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenMemory, Community, Impact, Natural resources, De-romanticization, Geographic approach, Industrialization, Deindustrialization01IHLT; 02IHLP; 02aInternational
2021Marsden, Susan; Spearritt, PeterThe Twentieth-century historic thematic framework: a tool for assessing heritage placesGetty Conservation InstituteLos Angeles, CA, USBookenTool, Framework, Thematic approach, Ten interconnected themes, Built environment, Twentieth century05IHLAM
2021Rosso Del Brenna, Giovanna; Minella, Massimo (Eds)C'era una volta il futuro. Un viaggio nell'archeologia industriale della LiguriaGEDITorino, ITBookitIndustrial archaeology, Liguria04IHLL; 04cMiscellany
2022Brandolini, Filippo; Turner, SamRevealing patterns and connections in the historic landscape of the northern Apennines (Vetto, Italy). Journal of Maps  18(4):663-673Taylor&FrancisOnlineJournal ArticleenRepopulation, Sustainable landscape management, Historic Landscape Characterisation, Interdisciplinary approach, Landscape archaeology, Spatial statistics05IHLAM; 06HLS
2022Canziani, Andrea; De Maestri, Sara; Manzini, AlbertoUna gru con una luce di 17 km che attraversa l'Appennino: le Funivie del Carbone di Savona. Stati Generali del Patrimonio Industriale 2022, n.p.MarsilioVenezia, ITConference PaperitCableway, Coking plant, Safeguarding, Re-appropriating04IHLL; 04aBormidaValley
2022Alba Dorado, María Isabel; Romero De Oliveira, EduardoAdvances in the design of a methodology for the identification, characterization, and assessment of and intervention in the industrial landscape. City, Territory and Architecture 9(36): n.p.SpringerOnlineJournal ArticleenInterdisciplinary approach, Social participation, Industrial heritage landscape05IHLAM
2022Alba Dorado, María IsabelDesign of a Transdisciplinary Methodology for the Identification and Characterisation of Industrial Landscapes. Heritage 5(4): 3881-3900MDPIBasel, CHJournal ArticleenTransdisciplinary methodology, Landscape identification, Landscape characterisation05IHLAM
2022Alba Dorado, María IsabelThe Industrial Heritage of the City of Malaga: Analysis of Its Current Situation and Support for Its Activation as a Resource for Urban Development. Heritage 6(1): 132-163MDPIBasel, CHJournal ArticleenState of conservation, Industrialisation process, Industrial heritage, Strategic planning02IHLP; 02aInternational
2022Currà, Edoardo; Russo, Martina; Severi, Laura; Cui Cassia, De LianVerso il censimento e la catalogazione dei beni industriali del comune di Roma. Una mappatura georeferenziata online per l’esplorazione virtuale. Stati Generali del Patrimonio Industriale 2022, n.p.MarsilioVenezia, ITConference PaperitCensus, Rome, Spatial mapping, State of conservation, Two levels form, Database, GIS, ArcheoBIM02IHLP; 02bNational; 05IHLAM
2022Aydın, Elif Özlem; Tepe, Emre; Balcan, CemIdentification of determinants during the registration process of industrial heritage using a regression analysis. Journal of Cultural Heritage 58:23-32Elsevier Masson SASIssy le Moulineaux, FRJournal ArticleenPerception, Factory, 22 criteria, Assessment, Evaluation, Industrial heritage, Regression model, Building-specific factor, Economic potential, Industrial archaeology05IHLAM
2022Han, Sunny Han; Zhang, HuiminProgress and Prospects in Industrial Heritage Reconstruction and Reuse Research during the Past Five Years: Review and Outlook. Land 11(12): n.p.MDPIBasel, CHJournal ArticleenReuse, Reconstruction, Industrial heritage, Sustainable urban development, Research, Keyword tool, Keyword extraction, International research, Trends, Text analysis01IHLT
2022Yasemin Çakır, H.; Edis, EcemA database approach to examine the relation between function and interventions in the adaptive reuse of industrial heritage. Journal of Cultural Heritage 58: 74-90Elsevier Masson SASIssy le Moulineaux, FRJournal ArticleenAdaptive reuse, Turkey, Case studies, Industrial heritage building, Intervention, Reuse strategy05IHLAM
2022Kara, Can; Iranmanesh, AminrezaModelling and Assessing Sustainable Urban Regeneration for Historic Urban Quarters via Analytical Hierarchy Process. Land 12(1): n.p.MDPIBasel, CHJournal ArticleenSustainable Development Goal, SDG11, Multi-criteria Evaluation, MCE, MCDM, Sustainable urban regeneration, historic urban tissue, Urban decision-making05IHLAM
2022Franco, Giovanna; Musso, Stefano Francesco; Vecchiattini, RitaReinforced concrete architectures of the first half of the 20th-century in Genoa. 7th WTA Colloquium – Maintenance of Concrete Buildings, n.p.Delft University of TechnologyDelft, NLConference PaperenConservation, Restoration, 20th-century heritage, Values, Social inclusion04IHLL; 04cMiscellany
2022Giusto, LidiaLa Ferrania raccontata attraverso il suo patrimonio documentale. In Stati Generali del Patrimonio Industriale 2022, n.p.MarsilioVenezia, ITConference PaperitFerrania Film Museum, Documentation, Memory04IHLL; 04bFerrania
2022Giusto, LidiaKodak, Fujifilm, Agfa: Storia dell'industria del fotografico e la valorizzazione del proprio heritage museale. Il caso Ferrania. Laurea magistrale in Storia dell'Arte e Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Artistico, Università degli Studi di Genova, Scuola di Scienze Umanistiche, Dipartimento di Italianistica, Romanistica, Antichistica, Arti e Spettacolo (DIRAAS), Genova, ITUniversità degli Studi di Genova, Scuola di Scienze Umanistiche, Dipartimento di Italianistica, Romanistica, Antichistica, Arti e Spettacolo (DIRAAS)Genova, ITThesisitMuseum, Heritage, Film, Society, Company, Valorisation04IHLL; 04bFerrania
2022European Commission. Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture.Strengthening cultural heritage resilience for climate change: where the European Green Deal meets cultural heritagePublications Office of the European UnionLuxembourg, LUDocumentenClimate change, Cultural heritage, Threats, Good practice examples03HLR; 03bEuropean
2022Shepherd, NickThe role of cultural and natural heritage for climate actions.d.OnlineDocumentenChallenge, Perspective, Anthropogenic climate change, Heritage03HLR; 03eMiscellany
2022Simpson, Nicholas P.Impacts, Vulnerability, and Understanding Risks from Climate Change to Culture and Heritages.d.OnlineDocumentenClimate change, Vulnerability, Risk03HLR; 03eMiscellany
2022Orlove, Ben; Dawson, Neil; Sherpa, PasangIntangible Cultural Heritage, Diverse Knowledge Systems, and Climate Changes.d.OnlineDocumentenClimate change, Heritage, Knowledge system, Historical perspective, Case-studies03HLR; 03eMiscellany
2022International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)ICOMOS International Charter for Cultural Heritage Tourism: Reinforcing cultural heritage protection and community resilience through responsible and sustainable tourism managements.d.OnlineDocumentenCultural heritage, Tourism, Resource, Governance03HLR; 03aInternational
2022Regione LiguriaPiano Territoriale Regionale (D.C.R. 2/2022)s.d.OnlineLegislationitPlanning, Coastline, City, Territorial planning, Vision, Innovation03HLR; 03dRegional
2022Zerbe, StefanTraditional Cultural Landscapes - A Theoretical Framework. In Zerbe, Stefan Restoration of Multifunctional Cultural Landscapes: Merging Tradition and Innovation for a Sustainable Future, 3-17SpringerCham, CHBook chapterenLandscape, Cultural landscape, Every-day landscape, Multifunctionality, Traditions06HLS
2022Berger, Stefan; Musso, Stefano; Wicke, Christian (Eds)Deindustrialisation in Twentieth-Century Europe: The Northwest of Italy and the Ruhr Region in ComparisonSpringerCham, CHBookenDeindustrialization, Ruhr, North-West Italy02IHLP; 04IHLL
2022McCaffree, Kevin J.Cultural evolution: the empirical and theoretical landscapeRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenSociety, Culture, Societal dynamics, Cultural change, Evolution06HLS
2022Modica, Marcello; Solero, ElenaBrownfield Transformation in Fragile Territories: An Interreg-Based Action ResearchSpringer NatureCham, CHBookenDeindustrialisation, Industrial brownfield, Mountain area, Design-based participatory planning, Pilot site02IHLP; 02aInternational
2022Schmidt, CatrinLandscape Resilience: Basics, Case Studies, Practical RecommendationsSpringerBerlin and Heidelberg, DEBookenLandscape resilience, Crisis, Factors, Case Studies06HLS
2022Gioia, Dario; Danese, MariaSpatial Analysis for Landscape ChangesMDPIBasel, CHBookenLandscape changes, High-resolution DEMs, GIS, Quantitative evaluation, Satellite images06HLS
2022Kròl, Karol; Hernik, Józef; Prus, Barbara; Szylar, MartaThe Need to Preserve Cultural Heritage. In Hernik, Józef; Walczycka, Maria; Sankowski, Edward; Harris, Betty J. (Eds), Cultural Heritage. Possibilities for Land-Centered Societal Development, 1-14SpringerCham, CHBook chapterenCultural heritage, Communities, Sustainable development, Projects, Social life06HLS
2022Jaramillo, George S.; Tomann, Juliane (Eds)Transcending the nostalgic: landscapes of postindustrial Europe beyond representationBerghahn BooksNew York, NY, USBooken20th Century, Heritage Studies, Postindustrial landscape01HT
2022Marenco, Alessandro; Mina, GabrieleEgregio sig. Direttore: scritture dalla Ferrania, la fabbrica delle pellicolePantareiMilano, ITBookitHistory, Antropology, Etnography, Memory work, Documentation04IHLL; 04bFerrania
2022Pettenati, GiacomoLandscape as Heritage: International Critical PerspectivesRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenHeritage-making processes, Landscape, Heritage, Interdisciplinarity, Planning, Conservation, Sustainability, Conflict, Global development06HLS
2022Modica, MarcelloAlpine Industrial Landscapes: Towards a New Approach for Brownfield Redevelopment in Mountain RegionsSpringer NatureWiesbaden, DEBookenIndustrial brownfield, Brownfield redevelopment, Mountain region, Mountain area, Research-by-design, Case-studies, Alpine brownfields02IHLP; 02aInternational
2022Berque, AugustinPensare il paesaggioMimesisMilano, ITBookitLandscape, Perception, Contemporaneity, Destruction06HLS
2022Jakob, MichaelLe origini tecnologiche del paesaggioLetteraVentidueSiracusa, ITBookitLandscape, Concept, Representation, Idea, Technology, Image, Frame06HLS
2022Stender, Marie; Bech-Danielsen, Claus; Hagen, Aina Landsverk (Eds)Architectural anthropology: exploring lived spaceRoutledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBookenAnthropology, Architecture, Interdisciplinary approach, Urban space, Participation, Design06HLS
2022Semi, Giovanni; Bolzoni, MagdaL'osservazione partecipante: Una guida praticaSocietà editrice Il Mulino S.p.A.Bologna, ITBookitAnthropology, Sociology, Research on site, Data06HLS
2023Han, Rui; Yang, ShiqiA Study on Industrial Heritage Renewal Strategy Based on Hybrid Bayesian NetworkMDPIBasel, CHJournal ArticleenBN-POI-AHP hybrid Bayesian network model, Industrial heritage, Sustainable development, Change, Bayesian Network, POI data, AHP hierarchical analyis05IHLAM
2023Wantuch-Matla, Dorota; Dorocki, Sławomir; Kroczak, RafałSpatial, Functional, and Landscape Changes in a Medium-Sized Post-Industrial City Based on Aerial Photo Analysis: The Case of Gorlice (Poland)MDPIBasel, CHJournal ArticleenSpatial development, Functional development, Socio-economic condition, Post-industrial site, Post-industrial scar, Land cover analysis, GIS, Statistical data, Historical spatial development, Aerial phot analysis, Landscape05IHLAM
2023Pompejano, FedericaLand-In-Pro, a research project on (post)industrial landscapesTICCIHOnlineJournal ArticleenPostindustrial heritage, Postindustrial landscape, Sustainable development, Deindustrialization, Cultural landscape, Cultural heritage04IHLL; 04bFerrania
2023Rhodes Ii, Mark Alan; Fayen Scarlett, SarahPost-Industrial Landscapes, in Post, Chris W.; Greiner, Alyson L.; Buckley, Geoffrey L. (Eds), The Routledge Companion to the American Landscape, 325-336Routledge, Taylor & Francis GroupAbingdon, Oxon, UK; New York, NY, USBook chapterenHyphen, Post, Collective memory, Industrial heritage, Absent presence, Built absent, Layers of memory01IHLT
2023Aleggiani, Daniela; Pinna Berchet, Antonio (Eds)Solidarietà 3MFondazione 3MMilano, ITBookit; en3M, Company culture, Ferrania Film Museum, Ferrania, Archive, Environment, Documentation04IHLL; 04bFerrania
2023Ramello, Manuel; Natoli, Cristina; Currà, EdoardoPatrimonio industriale del ventesimo secolo: fragilità, risorsa, progetto, messa in valore alla luce del PNRREdifir - Edizioni FirenzeFirenze, ITBookitAvantgarde materials, Innovation, Materials, Industrial heritage, Community, Regeneration, Fragility, Resource, Design, Value01IHLT

This project has received funding from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) - Mission 4 “Education and Research” - Component 2 “From Research to Business” - Investment 1.2 “Funding projects presented by young researchers” and the European Union's Next Generation EU Recovery Plan - Project no. 100027-2022-FP-PNRR-YR_MSCA_0000005"

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